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I came back home from school and found my parents sitting in the living room talking quietly. They were usually never home early so it was strange. I closed the door quietly, slipped off my shoes, and leaned against the door to hear what they were talking about.

“….Chunji….they’re not doing well right now….”

“….Bankrupt…what’s going to happen…”

“Should we help?”

What were they talking about Chunji’s family? I strained to listen to my parent’s voices but gave up and pushed open the door.

“Honey, you’re home?” my mom asked.

“Yea…but what were you and dad saying about Chunji?”

“Oh…just some business related stuff,” my dad replied.

“But you mentioned about bankruptcy…”

“Na Eun-ah, don’t worry about these things. Go upstairs and change and I’ll have snacks out for you,” my mom said.

“No, mom, dad, you don’t understand. Tell me what’s going on. Chunji’s been moody and distant for the past few months and I don’t know what’s going on. Do you know how worried and confused I was? I need to know what happened; it’s driving me insane. Chunji and I are like strangers now—we barely even talk, haven’t you guys noticed that?”

“We don’t know how to tell you this, Na Eun-ah…we just don’t want you to worry.”

“Dad, please tell me…”

“Chunji’s family has gone bankrupt…it’s been a couple of months and we didn’t find out about this until this week. Chunji didn’t want you to get caught up in his mess, so I guess that’s why he’s been avoiding you recently. He knew you’d be worried and would ask to help him incessantly if he told you. The loan sharks are already vexing his family for money…he didn’t want you to be involved in the predicament because he was afraid you would become a victim of the loan sharks. We’ve been trying to help Chunji’s dad to gain back his company and stock shares.  It’s going to take awhile, but I think it’s going to get better.”

“What….this is why he was avoiding me…dad, where is he right now?”

“I don’t know…I think his dad said they were leaving Seoul for the time being.”

“Leaving Seoul? Where are they going?”

“They’re going to Jeju.”

“I’m going to find him.”

I turned around and proceeded to the door when my dad interrupted me.

“Na Eun-ah…they left already.”

“When did they leave?! That quick?”

“I don’t know but they left today…they might be still around but I’m not sure.”

I ran out the door and went to the airport. I need to find Chunji.

The taxi stopped and I whipped open the door and ran in. I looked at the flight board. I had 5 minutes. I ran to the escalator and frantically tried to spot him. I ran all around the airport trying to see if he left. My head was so confused and my legs were sore. My eyes started tearing. Everything was just so wrong. I need to find Chunji. I sat on the bench and covered my face with my hands trying to stop the tears. I suddenly felt hands trying to pry my hands off my face. I lifted my head and looked at the person before me.



“Na Eun-ah, what are you doing here?”

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