I'm ok. I Think

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Jack's pov :

I don't know how long it's been since it happened. The days drag on and they feel like years. I have to have even more kemo which you can imagine sucks. I'm in more pain as the hours that feel like days. I hate this world and the only fact that I'm still here is mark. He asks me every day or hour I don't know anymore if I'm ok. Of course I say that I'm ok but I stop myself before I add I think. I don't like worring mark. It just twists my stomach in even more knots. My stomach is already in knots from the pain. Why is the world so cruel. Is my number one question I ask over and over in my head. Mark and I laugh and talk like we've been friends for years after that freaky thing that happened. I think mark is catching on to my pain. Curse you blue eyes of pain for ye are the window to this pained soul. My ma would say that she could figure out anything wrong with her children just by looking into their eyes. She called them the window to her beautiful children's souls. We never truly got away with anything thing in those days. Mark was sleeping in a ball tausing and turning in a ball on his bed. I never get any sleep since it happened. In the middle of my thought train I feel a spike of pain. What a normal person would call a white hot streak of pain coming from your gut and twisting and turning threw your body. But to me it feels like a slight add on to my pain. It encreases ever hour almost as on schedule. I laugh a muffled pained laugh at the thought of pain being on time. Cancer truly has changed me for the worst

Mark pov :

I'm walking threw the halls of a hospital looking for someone or something. That's when I hear the screams of pain and my mind jumps straight to jack. I'm running down the halls and the hall behind me drops away at breakneck speed. I finally find jack and he is hunched over in pain and he is shaking. He looks up at me and smiles that pained smile he has been flashing me for the past day and a half. We start walking towards each other and that's when a hole sucks a screaming jack down into its deeps. I run like a bat out of hell to the hole and I get sucked in myself. I'm terrified at the next scene. Jack is hooked up to machine after machine. Some hooked to his mouth and nose. Some hooked to his arms and one to his finger. He looks even more sickly than what he normally is. That's when I hear that beep the dreadful one. The hole opens up underneath me. I fall down the hole for awhile. I land on a hard bit of ground on my face I slowly get up to see what it is that I fell on. I'm in a cemetery. I look at the headstone and it said
" R.I.P seán William mcLoughlin

Born February 7 1990 to August 29th 2016

(The day that I wrote this part)

Here lies seán or jack he died because of cancer. He was loved by all his family and friends will miss him dearly.

All over jack's headstone there where words writen all over it. The words look like they where carved into the stone. To last for eons or tell they are wiped away by the wonders of naturr. The words where "WHORE" "NERD" "BALD FREAK" "FAGGOT" "BASTARD CHILD" "UNWANTED" "FAKE EMO" "GO TO HELL FAGGOT" "GEEK" "FAT ASS" "TEACHERS PET" I tryed to wipe away the words but they wouldn't even smeare at least. They just got deeper, darker, and bigger. (I can hear the dirty jokes cumming .... opps sorry coming!) I start to crying for 1)my jackaboy died before he was mine 2) HE DIED 3) The world lost such a beautiful hooman today. I start to sob when I see a hand shoot out of the ground in jack's grave. It reached up and wiped my check of it's tears. I should have been scared but the hand was warm and smelled of green apples, coffee, and coconut. (I love their tastes. Fun fact: My nose doesn't work right so I can't smell but I can taste things like bacon in the air.) Then I hear jack say "Don't cry markimoo." I hear something else but. I open eyes to jack's face right above mine. His hand is on my cheek he must have been wiping away my tears. My back felt cold and that's when I realized that I had fallen on to the floor. Jack sticks out his hand to help me up. "Naw jack I got it." I climbed/crawled up on to my bed and huffed when I finally got up there. Jack laughed at the glorious sight of me crawling my lazy/tired self climb the bed like a mountain. I laughed at the thought of seeing myself do that. I love looking at jack's laughing face but when I looked at jack's laughing face it had a very painful look on his smiling face. "Jack what's wrong?" He smiles "I'm ok markimoo.ithink" I think I heard him add something on at the end in a mubble. "What was that jack?" I give him big puppy dog eyes. "It was nothing go back to bed." I see him shuffle over to his bed he stops and hunches over and starts to shake. Flashbacks of my nightmare come back to me in quick flashs. I run over to jack and scoop him up in my arms. He says in a low voice "It's ok mark I'm ready to say goodbye to you all. Pa is that you and grandma." He reaches his arm out to the sky. I run as fast as I can to his bed and I slap the nurses button."PLEASE HURRY JACK IS IN HUGE AMOUNTS OF PAIN!¿!¿! PLEASE GET HERE FAST HE'S STARTING TO FREAK OUT!¿!¿! His eyes started to roll around in his head and he was clutching on to my hospital robe he was shaking like a mad man in my arms. I slightly squeeze him in my arms and relaxs a little bit. The nurses rush into see me with jack in my arms bridal style and I'm rocking back and forth well crying my eyes out. They rushed over and pried jack out of my once strong arms. I curl into a ball well crying myself to sleep on jack's bed. Curled in his beatiful sent. He smelt of green apples and mint. The last thing that I thought before I past out was 'please come back to me jack'.

TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES! Hi hazel here tell me what you think of the chapter in the comments down below. Also I'm a mean one aren't I. I've made jack or mark sometimes both cry in all of my stories. Ok well shit this was supossed to post last week but it didn't so here it is sorry it's late. I'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

~♡ hazel ♧

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