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4 months time skip. Sorry if it's a looonnnggg one (jack whispers:not as long as marks DICK)

Jack's pov :

It's been a couple months since mark got released. I sighed at this. "A month or two and I'll be a free little irsh potato!" I shoot my arms in the air. Being the very sarcastic person that I am. Mark has slowly stopped visiting me. He used to come everyday but now it's slowed down to a trickle. He comes every weekend and he sleeps here. I feel like a needy little bitch right now. I know exactly why he's slowing down. Exams are coming closer by the day. As I was thinking I started to hear very sharp clacking sounds heels on the floor. I listened closely and I could slowly start to figure out that it was a short person. The clacking stopped and I hooed it wasn't mark trying to look pretty. He once showed up here dressed in make up and his thin growing hair tipped in hot pink. He had clipped on feather earings. He had on these heels which I swore beloged to a russian hooker (sorry if I offended any russians out there). I laughed my arse off the hole time as mark tryed to explain and then he started saying 'would you do me?' And I shreiked as he launched onto me and started covering me in sloppy red face paint. The door swung open. There stood my mother. She had long wavy slightly greying brown hair. A white and light grey dress on with a blue jean jacket. She wore pale grey felt short heels. Her eyes where a bright dark blue. She threw her hands in the air and waited for me to get up and hug her. I stood up and wobbled over. My mother was still shorter than me woth heels on. She's 5'6. "Hello ma!" Hugged the shite out of her. She gasped and patted my back. "I'm good seani! When are you gonna come home? Your grans been asking for you. She hasn't been fairing well lately. Your gonna be an uncle soon to! Kev's wife alice is pregnant with triplets the poor dear." Tears of joy and pain slid down my cheeks at this news. I loved my family but I can't just leave mark and everyone behind. "I talked to that nice man at the desk. I think his name was wade. He said that you should be good in a couple weeks! I can't wait for you to come home!" She got out of my arms and started bouncing up and down like I do when I'm excited. I chuckled at my mother. I got her looks and energy but part of pa's height and caring behavior. We both walked over to my bed and talked for a couple hours. We talked about everything. A couple hours passed and she had to leave. "Well bye ma I'll see ya soon!" She smiled amd waved as she walked out. She then turned around and did something nasty. She gave me a big slobbery sloppy kiss on the cheek. It felt like I was a little kid again. She smirked and swayed down the hall. She looked like she had just won something my ma's a weirdo. I chuckled and turned to go back in my room when I saw mark. "Hiya merkimoo!" I waved at him and bounced over to him. I've been having a shite ton of energy lately so I might as well use it. "Hey seani!" Oh gurd he heard her and now his gonna call me this for weeks. I hope he didn't hear about me leaving. I wanted to tell him myself. Later on maybe. I hugged him but he didn't hug me back. I let go really fast like he burnt me. He pulled his arms out from behind him and he held up two big bowls of german chocolate ice-cream. I squealed and my mind blanked about what I was thinking. It went straight to on ice-cream,cake,and cookie land. I stood up on my toes and smothered his whole face in kisses. He chuckled at this. We walked into my room and well we did this I could hear plastic rubbing it's around in his pocket. I plopped down and he sat the ice-cream down on the bed. Then he got on one knee and I freaked out when he started to pull out.............COOKIES!!!! I jumped onto his shoulders and wrapped myself around his neck. I smothered him in more kisses. He actually had to pull me off his face to breath. I sat down and blew some strands of fly away brown hair oit of my face. This was another plus to almost being done with cancer. It's a lot of grey though sadly. Mark pulled oit his laptop from his bag and his smile spreads wider. He set up his computer and turned on harry potter and the deathly hollows part one. I smiled as he layed down. After the movie mark turned over to me. "So what where you and your ma talking about earlier?" My smile faltered for a second but I fixed it. "It doesn't matter really. She just came over to say that I need to come home. " I snuggled close and him. "So what are you gonna do?" I sigh and my shoulders sagged(I had to put this in. I HATE sagging pants!) "I will never leave you. My silly merkimoo!" I shimmy up and give him a big slobbery sloppy kiss on his nose. His face scrunched up into a sour face. He wiped his face and a smile flew back to his face. "Are you sure jacki? You don't have to stay. I would just worry that a big ol'irshman would steal you away. You know how long distance can be." I layed my head on his chest and snuggled close. "I know merk and you could never lose me. You should know this by now ya silly!" I slapped him lightly arm. He chuckled and his chest made my head bounce lightly woth his chuckles. "Ok I get it jacki but are you sure." I nod my head into his chest. He kissed me on my head. His face got tickled by my soft new hair. The doctors say that it might turn into a slightly lighter or darker shade of brown whennit grows back. I say my hairs gonna have more grays then it did before. I've had them since I was sixteen. I felt like such an old man when ma pointed it out and awed at it. She called me a growing old man. She laughed her bubbly as all hell laugh and went to work. She worked a small store that sold fabrics and stuff like that. My eyes started to droop and I yawned. "Just go to sleep jacki." I mubled a yes and drifted off.

TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!!! Hazel here with a new chapter! I now this chapter isn't this good. You could call it a filler or a suspense builder. It'salong the lines of it so ya. AND I'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

~♡ hazel ♧

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