Your a fuck up (it's the title not you I swear!)

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Mark's pov :

There's jack after all these years there he freaken is. I ran my hands threw my kind of long hair. I felt tears stream down my face and they weaved threw my scruffy beard. I could feel a scream building up and tearing up my throat. I grabbed some of the extra wall padding and I stuffed it over my face. I screamed and screamed out my pain and sorrow of a freshly opened deep wound. The wound wove it's self in a spider web around my heart and tied down to my stomach. They where bleeding and oozing gunk. I eventually calmed down as I felt my throat grow soar and bloody and my lungs ached. The wound slowly stopped oozing. I got back on youtube and posted a prerecorded video. Looks like I'm gonna need to make a new one before I go to pax in a couple weeks. I wonder if he's gonna be there. I watched one of his videos and he just looked so,so alive. Not the sickly person that I last saw. Well what was I expecting for him to still look like that. I miss playing with his extremely soft hair and looking into those big blues. If they hadn't of ruined our lives we could have had a nice little house either in Ireland with him or here in america. We could have gotten two kids or a seriget baby. A dog or two and we could have been youtubers together or just be separate youtubers like dan and phil. I'm so happy they finally got together. Dan finally got the balls to ask out phil. I'm not really close to them but close enough to know this. I sighed as I rubbed my tired face. My day went from smiles and laughs to sad screams and crying. I got up and opened the door to a waiting chicka bicka. She ran up and tackled me to the ground and started kissing and sniffing all over me. I just layed there and took it well shaking us both with my laughter. She eventually stopped and my whole face was wet with her slobber. I sat up straight and pulled her into my chest. She sat up on my lap and stuck her front paws on my shoulders and rested her floofy head on my shoulder. I hugged her and smiled. "Where did I ever find you huh my wittle chica bicka? Hmmm?" She just thumped her flag like tail as I talked to her. I start sniffling and she snuggled closer to me. I sqeazed her tighter and she didn't sqearm at all. She just kinda rag dolled in my arms. Eventually she started to wine and so I let go and she ran into the kitchen and started pawing at her now empty dog bowl. I chuckled and filled then I grabbed out a box of cheese its (truth is if you where to ask me to choose a chip I'd say cheese its). I sat on one of my counter stools and just munched on my box. I threw it in the trash and I was sad that it was my last box and I just sat there for an hour maybe just staring off into space well stuffing my still wet face. I got a napkin off the counter and cleaned my face. I then felt my ass vibrate with a text. I turn it on vibrate when I'm recording or about to. I unlocked my screen to see that I had a text from felix.

Fabulous little bitch: hey man what was that all about with jack
Me:we used to date but it didn't end well
Fabulous little bitch: what went wrong? I thought you guys would be so coot together! Make the fangirl dreams come truuuuuueee
Me:there was this guy in college that hated us. It was the day that jack was being realesed and he attacked me with one of his whores and sent a picture of it to him
Fabulous little bitch: oh. Hey can we you face time me?

I hit a button on my screen and it started calling him. He answered on the second ring and he swung into the screen with a sumber face. Then all of a sudden he takes a screen shot of my face and he hangs up. I swear if he leaks my terrible looking face on the endless pit we can the internet I'm gonna kill this swede.

Jack's pov :

I rubbed my face as I stumble over to my bed. I'm tired as all hell. I've been going since maybe seven this morning and it's 1:03 am right now. I'm so terrible at planning time to go to sleep. If one of my fans where to see me right now they'd end up screaming:SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!!!! But you know what I'm weak so hush. I flopped onto my pillow and landed face first and I started to feel like I was suffocating. I flipped over and heard my phone blare this symphony of fart noises. I sighed and grabbed my phone off my night stand. I saw that felix had sent me a picture. I pressed my thumb onto my scanner and went to my messages. It was a picture of mark. It made my blood boil and turn to ice all at once. His already messy hair was sticking up at odd angles like he had been pulling on it. His tan face was cherry red like it used to be when I used to beat him at computer games in the old days. Our golden days. His eyes where red and puffy and blood shot. This image broke my heart and stealed it in a case of iron all at once. I stuck my hand over my heart and made this gasping sighing sound. "Make up your mind heart ok before you kill us!" I whisper yelled at my chest like the weirdo that I am. I looked at the capption that felix sent with it.
Fabulous swede: I know it hurts jack but give him a second chance.
Next he sent a screen shot of his texts with mark.
Me: hey man what was that all about with jack
King of the squirrels:we used to date but it didn't end well
Me: what went wrong? I thought you guys would be so coot together! Make the fangirl dreams come truuuuuueee
King of the squirrels:there was this guy in college that hated us. It was the day that jack was being realesed and he attacked me with one of his whores and sent a picture of it to
Me: oh. Hey can we you face time me?
King of the squirrels:sure
I could feel a tear run out of my dry tired eye as I reread the picture for the third time.
Fabulous swede: what do you think jack? Second chance or what
Me:I'm the one who needs a second chance fe. Im the one thay ran after seeing the picture! I didn't trust him like he did me. What kind of relationship is that without trust,hmm
I smashed the send button and turned off my phone before he could answer. I rolled over and I could hear this echoy voice in my head. Your a fuck up! Your a fuck up! What a fun thing,being a me at least! But not you mister fuck up! The voice was smooth but smokey. Krisp but drippy at the same time. I flipped over only to see darkness and what must have been my imagination. There was to different colored glowing eyes. One a sickly blue and the other a septic green. Then there was an over sparkly smike that would put chip skylar's shiny teeth to shame. I freaked out and turned on my lamp. Right when the light clicked on the eyes and mouth where gone. I clickedoff my light and looked again and it was still gone. I rubbed my eyes and turned back over and closed them. Your a fuck up trying to hide! Your a fuck up trying to sleep but here I am! Your mini demon floating on a cloud of your fuck ups! All screaming to be set free! Shall we listen! We shall! After this a tidal wave of different pitched voices flew out and clawed at my ears. Your a fuck up! Your a fuck up tryin to hide from us! Awe what a fuck up,you can't hide from us! We're gonna getchu getchu you can't hide from us! We come to haunt we come to haunt your little chicken shit self! I screamed and clawed at my ears as it continued and repeated. Eventually the voices stopped and I finally closed my eyes.

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