Do marc asshole

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(Your an asshole mark)

Jack's pov :

I yawned and streatched out. I swung my stronger legs over the edge of my bed. Today's my last day here. Fooken finally! I stood up and streatched my arms to the sky. I let out another yawn and it felt like I was roaring like a lion. I rubbed my bleary eyes and looked in the mirror. The bags where slowly leaving my eyes and my hair is all spiky and short. It's darkish light brown with a few more greys. Yus I won't be a sliver fox for a while yet. I chuckled the thought of me being a hot silver fox. That's when my phone started vibrating off the table. I caight it right when it went over the edge. I flipped my phone over and it was a picture from mark. My cheeks flushed as I remembered the last picture (lets just say it's not pg but more of a rated m!). I pressed my thumb on the screen,it made a clicking sound and my face turned red and not in the flustered way. There was a picture of him kissing a fookin girl!!!!!

Me:wtf why what did I do wrong?😢
Mark: I don't love you anymore. I don't like needy people.
Me:why did you ask me to move in then hmmmm
Mark:you where like a lost dog. I'm dropping you off at the pound
Me:fine I'm done do marc asshole💔😤😢
Mark:bye bitch

I snapped a picture of myself. I looked at it. My face was cherry red and my eyes where dark stormy blue. They where also filled with tears but I didn't care. I sent it to him. As a reminder of what he's done. I grabbed my pillow and smuthered my face in the pillow. I screamed bloody murder into it. I stood back up and wiped my eyes. I scrubbed my beet red face with a washcloth and sighed. I hugged Cristine amd wade and waved good bye. They wouldn't and shouldn't know. Their dreams would be crushed they'd have cryed knowing their ship had sank that way. I signed my release forms and walked outside. I walked all the way to the arseholes apartment and paused outside the door. I sighed and opened the door. I tiptoed in and when he didn't come in I started packing my stuff up again. After I grabbed everything I walked over to the wall and grabbed down my pirate portrait. I smiled and sat it down carefully in the box. I then walked over to a picture of us. I had my headon his chest and we both had our tongues hanging out and cat ears on. He wanted us to look like nekos just for fun. We held up peace signs to and winked at the camera. Something inside told me to take it the other half said to burn it. I untacked it from the wall and put it in my pocket. "Bye arsehole." I sigh. He built me up like a janga and now he's trying to knock me down. But he's only moved one piece but he can't move them anymore. Good fucking riddance is all I have to say. I hauled down my two boxes to the waiting taxi. I loaded my stuff into the truck right on time to see what looked to be mark running over here from across the street. I hurried into the back seat and burried my face into my hands. I heard the driver shift into gear right when a loud booming sound hit the car. I looked up to see that mark had jumped onto the hood. "LEAVE ME THE FOOK ALONE YOU ARSEHOLE!!" I'm pretty sure I put out my drivers hearing aid. Mark got off the hood and tapped the glass of the other back seata window. The driver rolled down the window well he rubbed his poor old ear. "Where ya going my wittle book worm?" He cocked his head to the side making him look like a red and black puppy. "I don't fucking understand you. Just leave me the fook alone I know what you've done. Don't play coy with me." I rolled up the window and mark just barely got his head oit the window. His face scrunched up cut.... no jack he's not cute not anymore. He's an ugly monster just like almost everyone at school. I tapped the driver on the shoulder and told him the directions. He drove me to my apartment and I waved him goodbye. He smiled sweetly even though I might have busted what was left of his eardrum. What a nice old man. I walked up stairs to my poace with my boxs and started packing the rest of my stuff. Then I heard a loud booming knock on my thin door. The person could easily break my door by now. "Who is it!" I call threw the apartment hoping it was wade or Cristine. But no it was fooken mark of all people. I swung open the door and I could feel my face burning red. It wasn't flush but he thought it was. "GET THE FOOK AWAY FROM ME YE FREAKEN CHEATING ARSE DICK HEAD!!!!" I slammed the door but it shot back. Mark had stuck his damned foot in the door way. I stomped his foot and he let out a almost silent curse. He jumped back and I slammed the door shut again. I slid the vhain in the lock and then locked the top and bottom lock. It was a good thing the person before me that lived here was so paronoid. I heard him slam against the door and slide down the door. I could hear loud ragged crying but they where so fake! He was in drama club for gods sake! I slid down the door to. His fake crys tore me up. They sounded so really,no wonder he's the head drama nerd. "J-Jack p-please..." I screamed half heartedly. I was getting light headed bit I didn't give a damn. "Don't 'jack please' me you know what you've done! You freaken dumped me! Over a fucking text ypu the fuck does that. It's such an asshole move. Well guess what I found an arsehole, he's right outside my damned door! Leave this poor old dog alone. You've already kicked me down. Don't k-kick me w-well I'm d-done again,please!" I was crying harder now. But I didn't care anymore. I'm broken and the one who broke me is right outside. We sat like this gor awhile untill mark finally left. I felt like I was being torn apart again as I heard his loud dragging foot steps. His pitiful fake sniffles. You know what screw him. He wants to hear and see me all messed up. I got up and calmed my self down with a pack of thin mint cookies (my favorite with a cup of mint hot chocolate! Yummy yummy in my big fat tummy!). I went and booked a flight home. I in texted ma and she seemed so happy. I flopped down on my bed and soaked my poor old pillow.

TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!!! Hazel here with a new chapter! Ok be honest who here wants to kill me now(stands infront of a firing squad) READY,AIM, FIRE MEN🎵It's raining men!🎵Yup that happened. But ya who here is pissednoff at meh be honest. Sorry but ya this happened. AND I'LL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

~♡ hazel ♧

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