The Box

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 Dean knew that he would have to go on a long hunt states away from the bunker, but he had not yet told Cas, in fear of sparking a fight. He knew it was stupid to wait, but he wanted to spend all of the time he had left before he go without any arguments on the inevitable.

Sam knew, and even he wasn't very happy that Dean was going alone, as well as the length of the trip, but he knew that Dean had to go alone, and that it would be unreasonable and childish to get mad at him.

"Dude, you should tell him," Sam hissed while Dean was making breakfast for the three, a week before Dean was due to go.

"I know, I know, I'll tell him later," Dean replied, knowing in his heart he won't.

A couple evenings later, when they were gathered around the table, playing a simple game of Go Fish, for no reason other than they were bored.

"Go fish," Dean said to Cas, who sighed dramatically and grabbed a card from the middle of the table, which was filled with cards spread spread around.

"So, Dean, I gotta go, why don't you guys talk," Sam said, heavily hinting that Dean should tell him.

Dean slowly nodded, realizing that he should probably tell him, no matter the consequences.

"Cas... I gotta tell you something," Dean said, looking at his feet.

"What is it, Dean?" Cas asked, tilting his head slightly.

"I have to work on a hunt alone that'll take a long time," Dean began, "and I leave in two days."

Cas stayed silent for a long moment, just staring at Dean in tense silence, not moving an inch, for so long Dean softly called his name.


All of a sudden, the angel became animated again, but instead of being sad, he was PISSED.


Dean started quietly, "Castiel..."

Cas shook his head, not wanting to hear it. He marched away in stony silence, going into their bedroom and slamming the door, then realizing that Dean would have to sleep there, so opened the door, slammed it again, went into the guest bedroom, then slammed the door to that bedroom.

Sam treaded out carefully, making sure the coast was clear, and padded into the kitchen, peeking in to see Dean with his head in his arms.

"Sorry dude," Sam said, cautiously patting Dean's back, then retrieved leftover salad from the night before, then went into the library.

Dean sat, unmoving for about an hour before finally moving again, and that was only to move to the bedroom and collapse there, with the door tightly shut to give him the privacy.

Castiel came out not long after that, and he snuck out to get himself a burger, grabbing his keys to his trusty pimpmobile.

When Cas left, Dean was suddenly struck by an ingenious idea.

He flew out of bed and got started before time ran out, playing his favorite songs to give him more motivation. In and out he went, slipping around, making Sam question if he really saw him or not.

Four hours later, it was finished.

A small handmade box stood at the nightstand, bearing Cas' name. Knowing full well that Cas wouldn't come back to the bunker until he was gone, he prepared to leave for the hunt, then slept.

The next morning, he decided to leave early, just so he wouldn't have to wait in anticipation.

"'Bye Sammy," Dean said, giving Sam a warm hug.

"Be safe, Dean," Sam warned. "This'll be a long hunt."

"You, too. Also, here's a box for Cas. Make sure he opens it, 'kay?"

Sam took the box and nodded slightly, and took the box. Dean then left, getting ready for a long drive ahead.

Sam called Cas to tell him Dean had gone, and not long after that Cas returned home, only to have box shoved into his hands. It was clearly homemade, looking like a Kindergartener had made it, just showing how poor Dean's arts and craft skills were.

Cas retreated into their room, and opened the box.

Inside, there were pictures, trinkets, everything that had some kind of special meaning to their relationship.

There was the old phone that Cas had called him, when he told Dean that the voice told him he was running out of minutes, an angel blade that Cas had carried around quite often, the picture of him, Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ellen, and Jo, and lots of other meaningful things.

He smiled, looking at each item for a long moment before moving on, placing the items on the bed.

When he got to the bottom, there was a small box that was unfamiliar, holding no special memories.

He opened it, and was taken aback by the contents.

It was a ring.

A tear dripped down his face as he whispered, "yes."


Erm... Hey guys... Sorry for such a long wait for this to come out. 

School started and it has been one of the worst weeks I've had in a while. We got a contract on our house and I really don't want to move, my hedgehog is getting really old and hasn't been eating properly, so it's just been shitty.

Anyways, thank you for 1k reads on my other one shots even though they're shitty! Enjoy, my lovelies.


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