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Dean and Cas absolutely loved to prank each other. They had gotten the idea from Gabe, who had been mercilessly pranking Sam in an attempt to get Sam to love him.

The latest prank had been against poor Cas, who saw cat food, cat bed, cat toys, and cat litter, and furniture covered with white fluff (it wasn't actually cat hair, otherwise Dean would have bad allergies). He had thought that Dean had surprised him with a kitten, but no, it was just a cruel prank.

Cas had a perfect way to get him back, but it was risky. He would borrow all of the cats that his friends owned, and pile them on the bed, leading Dean to have a sneeze attack for hours. The plan was devious, but perfect.

When the friends that agreed brought over their cats, there was a lot of hissing and scratching, and Cas decided this may not have been the best idea, but he would just have to roll with it.

Dean came home, and immediately started sneezing violently. His hand pressed onto his nose, trying his hardest not to breathe in anymore, searched for Castiel.

"Cas? My allergies are acting up! Did anyone with a cat come through?" He called.

Cas appeared, wearing a suspicious grin.

"Nope! Though there is something I'd like to show you," Cas said, already starting down the hall. Dean narrowed his eyes and followed.

Cas swung open the door, revealing ten cats.


Dean's eyes widened, as well as started watering, and he started sneezing like there's no tomorrow.

He bolted out of the room, and out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. Cas laughed hysterically and high-fived all of the cat owners, until he realized that the cats were not getting along very well. He told all of the participants goodbye, and they left, and Cas was left to clean up all of the cat hair.

After doing so, he called Dean to let him know it was safe for him to come home. Dean came home shortly, his eyes red, and he was still sniffling.

"That was cruel, Cas," Dean said, though he wasn't angry, just impressed.

"I know, but so was making me think that we had gotten a kitten," Cas replied.

"I suppose it was," Dean admitted.

Afterwards, they had dinner, and watched a movie before going to bed. The next morning, Cas went off to work, as he had an early shift, and Dean had a later one.

When Cas returned home, nothing was astray. The house was as it should be, empty and warm.

He wandered into the bedroom to change into sweatpants and a more comfortable shirt, he saw Dean lying on the bed with a knife driven through his heart.

Thinking of it as a payback for what he had done the day before, he laughed, and walked over, hands on his hips.

"Now what am I going to do with this body?" Cas said mockingly, amusement twinkling in his eyes.

Dean remained still.

"C'mon, you stupid. You gotta clean this bed of all of this 'blood'," Cas said, moving to shake him.

When he did, Dean didn't even try and fight back.

Cas started panicking, and tried to calm himself. He checked the pulse, still hoping that this was some kind of sick joke.

Oh, how he'd get Dean back for this. He would fill the whole house with cats, as well as the Impala, and then he'd laugh while Dean sneezed his head off.

There was no pulse.

"Dean!" Cas cried, thinking that he may have made a mistake, there must be something!

Something to tell him, that this was a joke -no, a dream- in which he would wake up any second now, and see Dean poking him awake so he wouldn't be late for work.

He didn't wake up, for this wasn't a dream.

Cas let out a wail, and sank to the floor.

His Dean was taken from him.


Sorry for sadness, I have been stressed. School is back in, so unfortunately I won't be able to post as often. 

I also apologize for the shortness, but you know. 

Thanks for reading, and thanks for 100 views, my lovelies! I hope you guys enjoy these better than the other ones, which were just bad. 

Have a great day!


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