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''We're back at your house Ms. Franscesca.'' Paul says while opening the door open gradully.

I nod my head as I step out. Instantly hearing cameras clicking, lights flashing, I let out a big whine. Why won't they leave me alone?! I bury face underneath my jacket and continue to walk. Soon feeling the company of my two security guards, I loved them so much. As I reach my house, they open the door, questions being shot at me, I ignored them all. I soon shut the door, and tell the men to do what they usually do. Block everything so the house is pitch black, and so the paparazzi couldn't see what was going on. They seriously can't give me any privacy? That's one of my pet peeves of being famous. Getting no time alone.

''I'm going to go take a shower, Luke, please keep an eye out so nobody shoots me naked.'' I snicker as I head upstairs.

As I get upstairs, I strip so I'm all the way undressed. I step into the shower, and turn on the water. I start to wash my hair, I put my face in the water and wash my face. I reach out for the soap, with my eyes shut tight. As I get the grip of the soap, it slips right out of my hands. I look down, my eyes still a little blurified. 

''Where did it go..'' I mumble while trying to look for it.

I step back, feeling the texture of the soap. Before I knew it, I slipped, I capture the curtain in front of me with my soapy hand. But unfortunately, it came down with me. I hit the solid, cold, bottom of the shower. Soon after, I feel a shot of pain rush through my leg.

''AHHHHG!'' I screech in agony.

''LUKE!!! PAUL!!! HELPPP!!!'' I called out at the top of my lungs.

I couldn't move, it hurt. It hurt way to bad. All I could do is cry, cry for help, hoping they'd hear. They were downstairs, I was upstairs. I looked down at my leg, grimacing at the pain that instantly came. I lied on the cold floor, letting the water pour on me. Naked, hurt, and in lots of pain. I hear the door burst open, sounds of footsteps running towards my direction. I look up, seeing Luke get rid of the shower curtain that was currently lying on top of me. I put my arms out, begging for some help to get up, he picks me up, but I yell out in pain once again. He slowly puts me down, and steps in to shut the shower off.

''W-What am I g-going to d-do?!'' I sobbed as he gets out his phone.

He dials an ambulance. He tells me one was coming, I thank him. But soon realize, I'm still naked. I didnt know what was up, but my leg hurt really bad. I didn't think it was broken, hopefully it wasn't broken. I sit there, taking deep breaths, it was making the pain go away, only a little bit. But I started to calm down, until I heard the sirens. My head snapped towards Luke.

''Luke!! I'm still naked! What am I going to do?!'' I shouted with a distressed tone.

Luke scans around, suddenly spotting a towel. He grasps it and tries to help me up, he wraps it around me. I felt okay, but still in stinging pain. Two men came in soon after, seeing me wraped up in a towel. One of them help me out, I was screaming in pain, but they told me to calm down. They didn't know the pain I was feeling, I was sobbing hard, but I had to suck it up if I wanted to get onto the gurney. As they got me on, they started to slowly take me down. When I got into the ambulance, they put a needle inside my arm and put some stuff in to make me calm down. Which I did. I soon got so relaxed, I fell right asleep.

|| Later That Day ||

''Well what happened?! Will she ever walk again?!'' My hearing was kind of faint, but the voice I was hearing could never be misheard.

I calmly start to expand my eyes open. I see a man with the same blonde hair, as my used to be best friend. But it couldn't be.

''What made her this way in the first place?!'' He exploded, it made my ears hurt a little.

''She fell in the shower.'' I hear Luke respond.

I see the man look over at me, he had the same soft, alluring blue eyes Chris had too. I see his eyes widen with worry. He looks back at the doctor,

''She's waking up!'' He says while rushing over towards me with some other people.

''Mmm.. You look a lot like my best friend Chris.. Chris Evans.. You know him?'' I mumble, I could tell he heard me.

''It is me Sophie. It's me. Chris Evans.'' He smiles.

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