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"Sophia.. Why do you have that look on your face?" Hanson snaps me out my thought.

"Oh... It's nothing, I-"

My phone suddenly started to vibrate and ring, I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out my phone. Pressing the pick up button.

''Hello?'' I ask while sitting down on the bed.

I motioned Hanson to leave the room, and he did. Good boy.

''Hello. This is Sophia Francesca?!'' A girl's voice squealed into the phone.

''Yes. Who is this?'' I chuckle into the phone, feeling like I just went deaf.

''OH! MY GO- SARAHHHHH!'' She screams, I pull the phone away from my ear, still hearing her screaming.

''Is this really Sophia?! Don't you play games with me!! Say my name!'' She demands.

''I would have to know your name to say it.'' I chuckle softly into the phone.


''Logan? Well. Hello Logan.'' I say, getting a little confused.

''IT REALLY IS YOU!'' She squeaks into the phone.

''Yup. Now, Logan, why are you calling me? And how do you have my number?'' I ask.

''You know Sebastian Stan?''

My heart started to pound loudly, hopefully this wasn't going to end badly.

''Yes.'' I reply quickly and softly.

''Yeah!! He's my cousin. And he's over right now. And we were talking, and he said you two had a past? You used to have a crush on him-''

''Actually love, it was the other way around.'' I sighed.

''He liked you?! That liar! But anyways, he told me he had your number. So I took away his phone, I'm on it right now, a-''

A sound of a door opening suddenly came into my ear. I hear Sebastians voice, I've never cringed harder in my life. Hearing his voice is like hearing the sound of fingernails running over the blackboard. It makes chills go down my back, and it doesn't feel good.

''Logan! Why'd you take my phone! Give it back! Who is it anyways?!'' I listen to their conversation.

''It's Sophia Franscensca! I can't believe you knew her and never told me!!'' She yelled.

''What?! What are you doing calling her?!''

He sounded pissed.

''Hello? Sophia? Are you still there?'' I hear his voice say into the phone.

Silence filled the air, I didn't say a peep. I just stood there, my phone up by my ear. Breathing as soft as I could.

''Sophia?? Are you there?? Hellooooo?'' He says in a sing songy voice.

''Sebastian!'' I squeaked.

My face flushes red and I hang up the phone right than and now. I couldn't believe I just did that, I haven't talked to him for 7 years, and here he is, back. My phone starts to vibrate, giving me a notification of a face call. My hands started to sweat, before I knew it, my hand was swiping answer.

''What the-''

''Hey Sophia!'' He smiled at me.

My eyes widened, I couldn't hang up, not again. I had to atleast try to give him a chance.

''H-Hello.. Sebastian..'' I smirk.

''See, she's so in love with me, she can't even speak clearly in front of me.'' He turns to Logan, I see her jump in front of the camera.

''Hi Sophia!! I love you so much! Your music is so awesome! I love it so much! You're like a role model! I love you!!'' She blows me a kiss.

I blow one back, and Sebastian pretends to catch it, I roll my eyes.

''It was nice to meet Logan. Nice to have fans like you.'' I grin at her.

She screams and runs off, I cover my ear and rub it. When she left, I look at Sebastian who was staring at me in the eyes, giving me an uneasy feeling.

''You sing? I didn't know that.'' He joked.

''Whatever. Why'd you face-time me?'' I ask while folding my arms.

''Just wanted to chat with a friend I haven't seen in 7 years.'' He chuckles.

''Best 7 years of my life.'' I shot at him.

I hear him let out a big, husky sigh. But he sits back up and looks me straight in the eyes.

''I'm sorry.'' He says.

I froze. I didn't know what to say. I would've never expected him to say sorry. He hated me. He made my life horrible. But I shook out of that thought.

''Sorry? You think that's really going to cut it?'' I smile at him.

''What I did when we were younger was immature, and completely dumb. Please, can you forgive me?'' He smirks at me.

That smirk made my heart skip a beat. It made me smile back at him, what was I doing?!

''Forgiven and forgotten.'' I hang up the face-call and throw my phone on the ground.

I sit back in my chair and throw my hands over my face. Could it be? I was falling for Sebastian? The man who made my life miserable? The man who hated me? How could this be happening..

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