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As I drove, the darker it got, it takes about twenty minutes to get to the building I was performing at. And at the time, I was getting really impatient with my feelings, I hated my mum right now. She was making my life so unfair right now, when I have the opportunity to meet up with Chris again, she says no. I actually think that I'm in love with Chris. Oh no.. I'm in love with my best friend, my buddy, my bestie, my friend forever. Why is my life so hard right now?

I finally reached the building and I get out of my car, I slam the door shut, still in rage from before. It was really cold outside, but I didn't care. As I turn around, I look at the building, the lights were on. That's odd, they usually aren't on this late at night, must mean that there is somebody here. I take my crutch and walk up to the doors and try to push it open but it was locked. I groan in frustration and hit the door, could this night literally get any worse.

I suddenly spot some feet coming my way, I smile as they got really close. The door finally unlocks and the door opens, I exclaim happily and hug the person, not caring who it was. 

''Thank you! Thank you!'' I exclaim in happiness.

''You're welcome Y/N.'' He replies.

That voice, that tone of voice, I already knew who it was. I suddenly throw myself off of him and look at him in disgust, I couldn't believe who it was. It was Sebastian.

''How are you here right now?'' I ask, lifting an eyebrow.

''I wouldn't want to be late to my friends concert.'' Sebastian replies, leaning against the door.


''You, silly.'' Sebastian smiles, playfully shoving me.

''Don't touch me.'' I snap, regaining my balance.

''And I'm not your friend.'' I repeat, about the hundreth time to him.

''Okay Sophe, what is up with you? Why do you hate me so much? I seriously try my best to be kind to you and you push me away. You're pushing me away just like Chris pushed you away, mostly out of his life, forever.'' Sebastian mocks.

''This is exactly why. You're a jerk to me.'' I shake my head.

''What are you talking about?! I was never a jerk to you!'' Sebastian shouts.

I put my hand up to his face, giving him the 'talk to the hand' motion. I push pass him and I walk into the building, the lights were on and it seemed that it was just me and Sebastian in the building. I tried to avoid him, but he just wouldn't leave me alone.

''Talk to me Sohpia! Talk to me!'' Sebastian shouts.

His voice echoed through the building making me cringe. I hated his voice so much. As I continued to walk down the hallway, his cold dead hands get a grip of my wrist. I twirl around and get really close to his face, his breathing was heavy and my heart was racing.

''Look, if you can just tell me what's up with you. I will stop bugging you.'' Sebastian whispers.

My eyes were shifting from his eyes to his lips, my brain was about everywhere. And before I knew it, I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into the kiss. After a few seconds, I realized what I was doing and I immediately panicked. As I pulled away from him, my eyes were wide and so was his.

''Y-You.. You just kissed me.'' Sebastian says, confused.

''You made my life a living hell Seb! You know that! I knew Chris before you did, he was my partner, he was my buddy, he was my best friend! But you stole him away from me! And I knew you had a crush on me ever since high school. When you told me that you did, I told you I didn't feel the same. And you fell away from the group, I was happy at first, but you just left so you could bully the crap out of me! So you better dang well know why I'm angry at you! You little piece of-''

''Why did you kiss me?!'' Sebastian screams.

His voice rang and than it was complete silence. I honestly didn't know how to respond to that, I didn't know why. I just wasn't thinking. I wasn't processing things very well. I decided to ignore that question and continue along of where the stage was. I could hear Sebastian calling my name, and yelling at me, but I couldn't talk to him anymore.

''Fine! Be that way! But I hope you know that Chris is only your best friend! He got together with a girl, so he's not free! So you're going to be alone like you always have! And he's going to keep being oblivious to your wretched love for him Sophia!'' Sebastian yells at me.

My heart sank, was he bluffing on the whole 'Chris with another girl' he had to be bluffing. But I needed to know who it was, I turn around and look at Sebastian. I sighed and shook my head in defeat.

''Who's the girl that he's with Seb.'' I sigh.

''Her name is Hayley Atwell. She's his love interest in Captain America on screen. And his girlfriend off screen.'' Sebastian smirks.

Hayley Atwell. Peggy Carter. How could I ever compete against her. All this time I've been fighting a battle, trying to get Chris to love me. And it's been working so far, but apparently, I've lost to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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