My Baby.

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Jake's POV

As soon as I hear Tobias screaming for me to start the car, I know something is wrong. I abandon the smoothie I'm making in the kitchen before scrambling out into the hallway. When I run toward Tobias' voice, I find him carrying her limp body inside his arms. My heart slams to the front of my chest when I notice her eyes are closed.

"What happened?" I breathe out with panic.

I grab his arm to stop him from going any further.

"We were just talking and she passed out. I don't know what's wrong with her." Tobias tells me.

My hands find their way to Emily's neck and I feel for a pulse. Her skin is still warm to the touch.

"Emily? Baby? Wake up," I say gently while brushing my fingers across her cheek.

The fear begins to increase until it envelops me like a raging fire ripping through a house. I grab my car keys before storming toward the exit.

"Let's go! I'm taking her to the ER," I say with urgency.

Tobias places her into the back seats and I throw the car keys in his direction. I need to sit with Emily. I need her to wake up.

"Drive fast," I instruct Tobias before sliding into the back.

I pull her into my lap before brushing her dark hair out of her face.

"Emily? Wake up, baby." I whisper while fighting the urge to panic.

Seeing her unresponsive like this reminds me of the time Jones shot her. She was dying in my arms in cold blood and I couldn't do anything to help her. My eyes frantically scan over her body and I remind myself there's no blood... Not this time. I cradle her cheeks in my hands and I don't realize I'm crying until tears drop from my eyes. Tobias glances at me worriedly through the rearview mirror.

"You okay, man?"

I don't have the ability to respond to him. I didn't realize seeing Emily passed out like this would bring back so much darkness for me. I cling onto her with desperation. My brain struggles to differentiate the moment now with the moment she was shot by Jones. My distant screams can be heard from the traumatic memory and I suddenly feel like I'm unable to breathe. I pull her into my chest before shaking my head over and over again.

"This can't be happening. Not again," I wheeze, feeling like the uncontrollable fire is now ripping through my lungs. Tobias talks to me in an attempt to calm me down but it does nothing to help the dark hole I'm spiraling into.


It's been almost a year since I walked out of here with Emily, yet I'm suddenly transported back to that time in an instant. The machines beep around me and it's another painful reminder of the dark time I almost lost her. When the door opens, the same doctor who treated Emily for the gunshot wound is back. It's all too much for me to handle. My leg repeatedly bounces up and down as I sit by her bedside. My eyes dart around the room before landing on her face. I can't look at her for too long without crying. Hasn't she been through enough? Haven't we both been through enough?

"Jake? Are you listening?" Tobias calls over to me.

He's sitting on the other side of Emily and I snap my head up before blinking.

"What did you say?" I ask him quietly.

Tobias releases a small sigh before shooting a sympathetic look at me. I hate seeing people look at me with sympathy.

"The doctor is asking you a question."

I turn my attention to the doctor, but I'm not fully listening. My head feels like it's been submerged underwater. It's difficult to see and hear clearly.

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