Raging Warpath.

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Jake leads me into his room before closing the door. We take a seat on his bed and he takes hold of my hand before soaking in the sight of me.

"Talk to me, Emily. What did the doctor say? How do we manage this?"

I tell him everything I know. Repeating the information is scary and overwhelming. There's so much to remember. Jake remains silent and appears to be deep in thought. When I'm done, I find it difficult to read what he's thinking. He looks terrified so I use the chance to try and explain my thought process behind my decision.

"I want you to understand that I have to do this, I have to have this baby. When my father died, I was living life without a purpose. I didn't see a future because I spent every day wishing I was dead," I tell him quietly.

It's hard transporting back to the times of living with Mom and Trevor, but it's important to go back and work through those feelings.

"When I met you, I finally found a reason to live. I see a future for myself, a future with you. I see a future with you and our child. This tiny baby growing inside me is a reason to live. I'm a different person to who I was back then. I'm strong. I have the strength in me to fight against this, Jake."

His blue eyes fill with a layer of glossy tears. I reach up to wipe a stray tear and give him a small smile of reassurance.

"What if I lose you?" Jake whispers before hanging his head in remorse.

Seeing him so broken and emotional over this isn't easy for me. When I first met Jake Melvin, his feelings and emotions were locked behind a steel safe. Over the past year, he's learned to let down his guard and show me a side of him the rest of the world doesn't see. All I want to do is hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay, but I can't lie to him. I can't give him false hope. He's held me so many times before and told me the same thing. I truly believed in his words and it was the only way I endured the darkest times of my life. I can't give Jake false hope in case the worst happens. I take hold of his hand before placing it over my stomach. The sight of it causes me to smile through my tears.

"We both love you so incredibly much, Jake. This baby needs you and so do I. We can't do this without you. I can't do this without you," I whisper.

He searches my eyes before nodding in acceptance. I finally blow out the breath I'm holding and feel a new surge of life flow through me. When Jake is by my side, I feel like I can conquer anything.

"I'm right by your side, Wentworth."

It's all I need to hear to know I'm going to get through this. Jake leans down to press a kiss to my stomach and the sight of it warms my heart.

"Are you tired? You look exhausted," Jake says before pulling the covers up and over me.

I'm enveloped in his scent and I yawn before nodding my head.

"I'm always tired. Being pregnant is now my excuse... You caused this, Jake." I say before pointing down at my stomach. He laughs before settling in beside me.

"It's not my fault I'm irresistible. You can't keep your hands off me," Jake grins.

I swat his chest before laughing.

"God, you're so full of yourself."

He shoots me a devilishly handsome smile that causes flutters to fill my stomach.

"Baby... You love me that way."

I snake my fingers through his hair before gently tugging him toward me. Kissing him knowing we're on the same page over the pregnancy soothes my soul. Jake kisses me slowly, savoring every last second of having his lips on mine. I sigh against him before settling on his chest. His fingers stroke through my hair and within seconds, I'm fast asleep.

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