Sneaky Emily.

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I waltz back into the house as if I haven't spent the entire day avoiding the police and their questions. I slam the door loudly before announcing my arrival.

"Michelle! Myra! I'm home," I yell out while shrugging off my jacket. I reach for the tub of ice cream before spooning a large chunk into my mouth. The kitchen door swings open and as expected, two police officers storm toward me. They look frustrated so I stand in the hallway with a confused look on my face.

"Is everything okay?" I question them before going in for a second spoonful.

The two police officers share a quick glance of frustration between them.

"You were asked to give a statement earlier this morning, Miss Wentworth. Where have you been?"

The first police officer questions me. They're two males and I figure they've taken over the shift from the first police officers I encountered this morning. My eyes grow wide with fake realization.

"Oh my gosh, that's right! I am so sorry about that. My girlfriend called me and she's just broken up with her boyfriend. He was caught cheating on her with her ex-best friend. Can you believe that? The betrayal! It would ruin me," I ramble while clutching a hand to my chest.

The police officer gives me a suspicious look before sighing and tugging at his radio strapped to his uniform. He announces my arrival down it, no doubt ending the search for me. Behind my facade, I smirk with victory because it's so damn easy acting like a typical teenage girl. I spoon a chunk of ice cream into my mouth before smiling sweetly at them.

"I had to take her for ice cream while she sobbed about her break up, it was truly heartbreaking to watch," I lie effortlessly.

Myra watches me from the other end of the hallway with suspicion. I ignore her burning stare and keep my attention on the officers.

"Do you want to do the statement now? I was so nervous this morning," I say before taking a step toward the living room.

The police officers pull out their notepads before gesturing for me to go ahead of them. If my plan is to succeed, I need to make noise and lots of it. I take a small step forward before clutching at my stomach and scrunching my face up in discomfort.

"Ooh, that felt... weird," I say, beginning phase two of my plan.

Myra immediately springs into action.

"What is it, Emily? Is it the baby? I knew this would put stress on the baby!"

Myra begins to fuss over me. Her arm wraps around me from behind as I hunch over and clutch at my stomach.

"I-I don't know, Myra. Maybe it's the ice cream? Ooh, it hurts," I cry out.

The two male police officers watch me with wide eyes and a startled expression.

"Baby? We, uhm, didn't know you were pregnant," the first police officer says.

He's younger than the other and appears incredibly uncomfortable at the sight of me clutching my stomach.

"She's also having a high risk pregnancy!" Myra yells at them.

I begin making loud moaning and groaning sounds as Myra struggles to lead me into the living room.

"Here, let me help," the officer says with flustered cheeks.

He ushers me inside the living room and helps me onto the couch. I continue clutching at my stomach and wailing out with fake pain.

"Should I ring through for an ambulance?"

He looks bewildered and unsure of what to do in this situation. I shake my head before giving him a tight smile of gratitude.

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