Chapter 4

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Frosttiger let out a yawn. Things have been hectic lately, Bramblestripe had gotten attacked along with Thunderheart by the badger that prowled about. Both weren't doing well, all their wounds reeked of infection and no mater what Rainpebble tried never worked.

He pushed out of the warriors den and saw Rainpebble carrying a pitiful bundle of goldenrod and horsetail, he bounded up to him, "Who's those for?" He asked, hoping he wasn't right. Rainpebble put down the bundle, "Thunderheart and Bramblestripe, who else?" He asked, ear twitching in annoyance at the stupid question. Frosttiger let out a sigh, "You're wasting those herbs Rainpebble." He mewed, causing his brother to bristle and open his mouth to yell.

"He's right." A new voice said, Frosttiger looked up to see Whispersong padded up, recently the she-cat had retired to the elders den, but she still helped out sometimes. "You cannot continue treating them anymore, your wasting valuable herbs, we rarely get goldenrod or horsetail, we need to save them."

Rainpebble sighed, "They'll die if I don't." He whimpered, tail trembling. Whispersong blinked then looked down, "Sometimes letting a cat to live is torture to them." She shuffled her paws, "Maybe it's time that you give them something to.. kill them." She looked away.

Rainpebble looked horrified, "What?"

Frosttiger stared at the medicine cat, a tremor of unease and horror making him move away from her, "Whispersong."

"She's right." Thunderheart, who had made his away outside, rasped, "Bramblestripes on his way to StarClan."

Frosttiger blinked then rushed inside with Rainpebble, "Bramblestripe?"

The tom was wheezing, his chest rising dramatically for breath. Infection reeked through the den, making Frosttiger wrinkle his nose but he padded in front of Bramblestripe. The tom looked up, a tired look in his blue eyes, "Tigerfangs waiting.." He wheezed, "Frosttiger... thank you.. thank you for carrying his name.." He weakly reached out his paw, resting it on the gray toms, "I hunt with StarClan now.." He gazed at Thunderheart, "Goodbye my friend.." he mewed quietly before he fell still, a clouded look in his dull blue eyes.

Thunderheart stared at him sadly, "Goodbye Bramblestripe, may you hunt well." He mewed.

"Thunderheart.." Rainpebble mewed slowly.

"Feed me one." Thunderheart told him, his eyes not leaving Bramblestripe.

Rainpebble let out a shaky sigh before he padded into his store, looking around for the deadly red berry and snatched it by the stem and dropped it at Thunderhearts paws.

The tom stared at it before eating it, almost instantly his head dropped and his paws kicked about before he fell still.

Rainpebble stared at his dead body before dragging his gaze to Frosttiger, tears running down his face, "Am I a murderer?"

Frosttiger blinked then shook his head, "He asked for death, your a good medicine cat."

Rainpebble stared at him before he closed his eyes and lifted a paw to rest on his head.

Whispersong blinked before she gave him feverfew, "It will help with your headache."

Rainpebble looked at her thankfully before eating the flower and leaves.

Frosttiger grabbed Bramblestripe and Thunderhearts bodies and brought them into the clearing where the camp was sitting.

Stormysky let out a wail of grief while Nightkit only stared in shock, Fernkit, Icefalls kit, looked away.

Lionclaw looked between the two dead warriors, then shook his head and padded away.

Graystar, who was watching, stood from where she was atop her den. "Two warriors are dead, but StormClan continues. Thunderheart and Bramblestripe were amazing warriors, but now they serve StarClan, may they find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when they sleep." she dipped her dead and sighed.

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