Chapter 9

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A breeze blew through the empty clearing, ruffling gray-white fur. Moonlight illuminated the ground, turning the shadowy green grass silver. Clouds overhung the sky like a white bat, who spread it's wings so wide, it covered the moon. 

"Frosttiger." A russet tom looked at the warrior, making him turn. "Where is he? Didn't you say he'd be here by moonhigh, do you think he lied?"

"Calm down, Eagletalon. I made sure he swore to show up. It's late and he's a leader, I'm sure he fell asleep or something." Frosttiger tried to reassure the deputy, thick tail swishing across the grass. 

"Or he lied." A shadow moved, making Frosttiger look up. A black tom limped forward, his left hind leg moving stiffly and awkwardly. His intense blue eyes glowed in the silver light, "I told you, the day MarshClan helps StormClan will be the day hedgehogs-"

"Eagletalon." The three toms jumped and looked up.

Across the flat land, other than the slope that led to the mud drop, figures stepped out the cattail that littered the marshy territory. Frosttiger recognized Foxstar leading the bunch, shaking his fur. His gaze swept the cats, Thornpath, Snakeheart, Waspclaw, Shadowpelt, Frogfoot, and... Leopardclaw. 

He stared at the golden she-cat, a flurry of emotions rushing through him like a storm. He knew that Foxstar probably did this on purpose so he forced himself to not react and look at the russet tom. "Thank you for helping us." He mewed. 

"The Warrior Code says that each Clan must help the others so that no Clan will fall. If Lionclaw is as dangerous as you say he is then he is a threat to all." Foxstar replied, looking at the tom. "Is this enough warriors?" 

Frosttiger nodded, "Yes, it is. StormClan will also be sending our apprentices here. They will fight along side you if Lionclaws cronies get here." 

Eagletalon nodded, "Protect them with you're life."

"Wouldn't do it any different." Foxstar replied simply before leading his cats off to assess them.

Frosttiger watched them, his eyes locking with Leopardclaw momentarily but it passed as Eagletalon led the tom away towards the slight slope leading up to Snakerocks. Frosttiger stopped and glanced back, eyeing the group of elders only to receive a nod from Crookedheart. 

Reassured, Frosttiger turned back and followed Eagletalon back to camp to compose a battle plan. 


"We must attack them!" Adderstrike called. Thistlestrike nodded in agreement.

"No we must wait for them to come to us." Frosttiger protested, looking at his Clanmates. 

"Oh, so we're just going to let them kill us?" Aldertuft scoffed, sparking roars from the cats around the gray tom. 

"We need to attack them!"

"Let's go!"

"For StormClan!" 

Frosttiger recoiled slightly, eyes sweeping his Clanmates, panicked. He glanced around his rioting comrades.

"Featherfur! You make a patrol." 

That snapped Frosttiger out of his panic, "No!" He snarled, making eyes turn towards him, wide. Frosttiger glared down at them, "We are not going to rush into this! Are all of you daft! That's what he wants!" He slammed his paw on a twig, causing a loud 'snap' to resonate through the silent clearing. 

Panting, Frosttiger looked up, seeing Eagletalon nodding. Graystar only gazed back at him intently, as though challenging him.

How are you going to recover from this? Graystar seemed to ask, making Frosttiger gulp slightly. 

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