Chapter 7

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The tom pushed forward, ears perked and eyes darting from bush to bush. 

The slightest of winds shook the leaves of the plant making him snarl and investigate a bit only to get stopped by a small snort.

"Calm down." Came Stormyskys amused mew, eyes glittering in the moonlight. Frosttiger tensed up, then relaxed as he realized he was acting like a fretful queen. "Okay, okay." He sighed and padded over to the beautiful gray she-cat. The two of them had been spending allot of time together, it was nice, Frosttiger thought, he enjoyed the company of her presence.  

Thistlestrike looked behind him, "Come on you two." The tom mewed, "We can't leave the others waiting." 

Nodding, Frosttiger sped up and took a place next to Graystar as they overlooked the Gathering. BreezeClan cats were already there and by the looks of it, they recently got into a battle. Nicks and minor scrapes were present, but the one thing that surprised Frosttiger was the fact that Smallstar was nowhere to be seen. 

He glanced at the narrowed-eyed leader besides him, "Graystar?" 

"I know." She mewed. Eagletalon let out a sigh, "Better ask instead of stand here, the apprentices are getting restless."

Now that Eagletalon mentioned it, Frosttiger became very aware of Brackenpaw and Flamepaw shuffling around. Sablepaw, who normally was quiet, was hopping from one paw to the other. Stripepaw, who was now the apprentice of Icefall, was excitedly chatting to Adderstrike, who was now Sparkpaws mentor as Goldenspruce joined the elders recently. Fernpaw let out a small huff, making Frosttiger chuckle. 

"You're right." Graystar murmured, she raised her tail and pointed the tip down to point down. Frosttiger charged down the hill and slowed slowly as a black tom bounded up to him.

"Crowwing." He greeted, dipping his head to the tom. He had a scratch on his flank that was poulticed thickly, "Battle recently?" He prompted, tail flicking to rest around his paws as he sat down.

Crowwings blue eyes darkened, "Cheetahfoot will tell you about it." He looked away, tension, so thick Frosttiger swore he could claw through it, sparked between the two.

Frosttiger turned to walk off and soon became aware of the hostile gaze of the BreezeClan cats burning into his back. Confusion swiped at his belly, What did we do? He thought. A fishy scent reeked into the bundle of scents and he looked up, seeing Oakstar charging across the thick tree trunk that connected his territory to GreatStones. 

He watched as his Clanmates followed, an apprentice slipped and plunged into the water, letting out a yowl of horror before they resurfaced, wading through the rough waters Frosttiger now could make out the color of fur they had. It was male, black with white patches and honey colored eyes. He pulled himself up the bank and collapsed, panting. Oakstar rushed over to him and sniffed his fur before he picked him up by his scruff and waited until the tom was able to hold himself up.

Frosttiger smiled, obviously Oakstar was his mentor, he could feel the affection between them even from this far away.

He looked at Flamepaw, who was talking to Stripepaw excitedly, "I can't believe you like him!" Flamepaw laughed at her friend, making her swipe at her in indignation. Frosttiger rolled his eyes and bounded up to Chestnutflight, who was talking Mousedusk. "It's weird how quickly things have changed." the longfurred cat was murmuring. Frosttiger let out a soft mew of agreement, making the tom look up at him. 

Mousedusk looked at him, "Frosttiger, I know it must be hard for you.. he was your brother." 

"He was a traitor." Frosttiger mewed simply, shrugging. Truth be told, Frosttiger was aching inside. He was all to aware of the empty spot in the warriors den where Lionclaw had once slept. The two of them fought, but he was kin. Frosttiger grew up with him and watching him run off, getting treated like an everyday trespasser, hurt worst than any words would be able to describe. No words can describe that sort of pain, that sort of agony, that sort of lost. 

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