Chapter Five: The Truth

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I had a huge test on Thursday; I was distracted by my feelings from the night before. My mom didn’t come home until late that evening, so he stayed for a long time. We talked, I asked questions about his childhood, and we had dinner. We also did our homework.

“So what did you do last night?” Mom asked when I woke up the next morning, still dazed from my time with Clyde.

“My homework and ate dinner, nothing really.” I said tiredly.

“Oh, OK, well off to school I go. See you when I get home?”

“Yeah, I’ll be here.”

“Hey, so how was it yesterday, with Clyde?” Kacie asked as I hopped in her Honda.

“Do you mean last night?”

“What, he stayed? That’s so romantic.”

“It wasn’t really. We just talked to each other about each other.”

I said still tired.

“That is so romantic!” She now was yelling.

“OK, whatever. How was your night last night?” I asked so the conversation would be about her now.

“It was fine. I had a lot of homework,” she replied, sad that I left the topic.

“OK, so what are you doing for Spring Break?” I asked. “It does start tomorrow you know.”

“Oh, well, me and my mom and my grandma are going to Los Angeles.” She didn’t really sound that excited.

“Are you happy about that?” I questioned.

“Well, not really. I don’t really like looking at antique stores and galleries,” she said with sadness. “I would much rather go shopping with you and Mag, but what are you doing for the week?”

“Oh, well I’m not really doing anything. Clyde is staying with me though.”

“So are you guys a couple yet or what?”

“You know what, I have no idea.”

“Oh well I guess you’ll find out over the break.” She said it with a lot of certainty.

         We finally got there and Clyde was waiting patiently to take me to my next class. I wish, only sometimes though, I could walk myself to my classes, but I guess it is just what guys do around here. So I’ll go with it. I do like to walk with him even if we aren’t talking about anything or talking just not to each other. I like to be alone with him more than anything though, I don’t know why, I just feel more safe with him than any one or thing else.

“How did you sleep?”

“Fine, and you?”

“Great, are you ready for the test in Chemistry?”

“Oh crap, I totally forgot about it,” I said now worried. “What? You going to skip again?”

“No, I’ll be there,” he chuckled.



         I went to my class. I was still worried about the test that we had in geography. I did know some things about it, but not all of it. I was hoping to get a B or higher. If I flunk it, it will kill my goal of straight A’s. I usually get all A’s every year, but this year I’ve been so distracted by Clyde that I haven’t been paying any attention to my grades.

“Good morning class, please take a seat and start on your warm up. Now I know that you all are very excited for the long week ahead of us, I know I am, but we all have to pay attention, OK?” Mrs. Morton announced. 

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