Chapter Fourteen: Casa Hermosa

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 As it always does it took a very long time to get every body off the plane. I took my carry on bag and headed for the baggage claim. I looked and looked for my bag and of course it was the very last one to come out of the shoot.

         As we started for the doors, I saw the French ladies again. It didn’t take me long to figure out that they were following right behind us. I looked up at Clyde and he knew exactly what I was about to say.

         “We better go,” he said cautiously. I nodded and we started off to our rental car. As soon as I hopped in I saw them again; they really pop up everywhere. They got to their car and started the engine. We started ours too. Clyde knew how to drive well enough in France that I trusted that he would know his way around. They women had a Ferrari and we had a Mustang—Clyde doesn’t drive anything else. He was driving away from the hotel.

         “Where are you going?” I asked suspiciously.

         “They know where we are going already so we are going to go as far away as possible.”

         “But what about the reservations?”

         “I take care of that,” he pulled out his “smart phone” and tapped a few times and then it was covered, “there, they’ve been canceled.”


“Would you just trust me?” He looked at me, “please?”

         “Fine,” I stared straight at the road for the rest of the way there. When we finally got to our destination, it was an old run down cabin in the middle of nowhere and very, very far away from the Eiffel tower.

         “Ugg, the one thing I trust you on and you bring us here?”

         “What? This two-person home would be a luxurious mansion to a person in…a poor country.” He stated smiling like he was hiding something from me.

         “Ugg,” I repeated.

         We walked inside, my mouth wide open in shock,  The first room we saw was a beautiful, huge living room with a young man sitting in the couch with is feet up.

         “Derrick? I didn’t expect to see you here for another week,” Clyde exclaimed.

         “Yup, I decided to come and clean up around here for your arrival… what is she doing here?”

         “Oh, umm…she’s here to help us. This is Marcie…Marcie, this is—“

         “Oh, I know who he is…” in English Derrick and I had a fight over whether going out with Clyde is the best idea. He had said that Clyde is way to dangerous and that I should find someone different. At first I thought he meant him, but now I know that he did not, “Although, he never told me that he was an agent too.”

         “Oh, yes of course I am how else do you think me and Clyde met? I’m not a surfer like he is and I’m not in any of his classes like you are.”

         “Well, I didn’t think of it that way…” I stated. I really didn’t hate Derrick for thinking that way, but he seemed to hate me.

         “Yeah well, y’all aren’t sharin’ a room so uhh…Marcie first door on the left and Clyde first door on the right…second door actually,”

         We walked to our rooms hand in hand; it was just up the hall so it didn’t take as long to get there as I thought. Inside my room was a big open space with my bed to the left and to the right was the dresser and a vanity. It had a huge flat screen TV, which you saw immediately when you walk in the room. There was a desk behind the bed. The house was surprisingly huge for how small it looked from the outside. I walked toward my dresser to put away my things when I heard my phone ring. I knew it was going to be my mother so I wasn’t surprised when I heard her voice come out of the receiver.

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