Chapter Sixteen: Evidence

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The knock on the door continued until Mrs. Gellman opened it.

            “Hello, are you looking for someone?” Mrs. Gellman sounded nervous. I walked over to see who the person was and Clyde followed behind. I saw a very tall, Hispanic man with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was very handsome and did not seem to be over the age of thirty.

            “Yes, I am looking for a man by the name of Derrick Gellman. Is he in?”

            “Yes, right here. Do I know you?” Derrick spoke from behind me.

            “I am Rhett Thompson. One of the head leaders of the Internal Bomb mission. I would like to speak with you on behalf of head leader of the U.S spy Agency  George McCarran.”

            “OK, come in,”

            “Would you like anything to drink Mr. Thompson?” Mrs. Gellman asked starting toward the kitchen.

            “No I’m fine thank you.”

            “Are you sure? Not even water?”

            “Actually, I would like a glass of water…if you don’t mind.”

            “Not a problem,” she went off to fetch a glass.

            “If you would come and sit,” Derrick motioned to the couch. We all went to sit down; me on the couch with Clyde’s arm over my shoulder, Derrick sat in the big chair, and Rhett sat with his hands over his knee in the papa chair.

            “So you were saying?” Derrick asked with totally attention.

            “Yes, well, I should inform you that this task will not be easy,”

            “Yes, we never thought it would be,” Clyde informed.

            “Carry on,” Derrick looked at Clyde then back to Rhett.

            “What Mr. McCarran has told me might be a little disturbing, but you must know. The number of captured spies has doubled in the past week, so that means you must work a lot faster than you are right now. You must try harder, you must move faster, and you must get all of those spies back and ready to work—“

            “Sir, you must understand…we are working as fast as we can—“ Clyde interrupted.

            “Well it’s not fast enough. We need those spies; they are the protection of the Untied States.”

            I was sick of them, so I walked into my room to call my mom.

            “Hello?” She answered.

            “Hi, mom.”

            “Are you coming home?”

            “No we sill have—we still are here in France and with Mr. and Mrs. Owens. So you don’t have to worry about me…I’m fine.”

            “What’s Clyde doing?”

            “Oh, he’s talking to a friend.”

            “Why aren’t you out there talking to his friend too?”

            “I would…umm…rather talk to you,” it was true. I missed her deeply and I wanted her to be here with me.

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