Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen- Wedding Plans

"What do you think of this cloth, m'lady?" Asked a short, curvy woman called Margaery. Margaery had been appointed by the king; she would become Arwen's head lady in waiting once she was crowned queen.

"Perfect," Arwen smiled, approving of the light lace material Margaery presented to her. It was a clean, snow white color. Every piece of cloth being presented to Arwen was a different shade of white, but essentially they were all white. Being a ruler of Brigantia, the White Spring realms, it was expected of her to wear white at all times. Now, she was picking out different cloths in order to make dozens of new gowns for her royal closet.

The second Gavin had arrived to his castle, he had sent over hundreds of people to the humble Whitewing manor. The people were all there to help Arwen and her mother prepare for the wedding, and Arwen's coronation to follow soon after the wedding. There were cooks and bakers crowding the kitchens, trying new recipes and receiving Bianca's approval on all their creations. Decorators planned how the castle's royal hall would look during the dinner party after the event, and seamstresses sewed until their fingers bled so Arwen's gowns would be ready in time. Bianca led all the planning, and everyone followed her every command. Everything was going perfectly.

"All right, m'lady, I will go and start the seamstresses on this new gown," Margaery said, bouncing down into a quick curtsy before turning to leave the room. Just as the lady in waiting was exiting through the double doors, Bianca walked in, smiling at Margaery as she passed.

"How are you?" Bianca asked, going to the table by the windows of the room and pouring two glasses of small ale.

"I'm good, I think. Tired and overwhelmed, but good. And excited," Arwen replied, happily accepting the glass of ale. It was cool and tart on her parched tongue, and she drank up the beverage eagerly.

"Excitement is good, you should be happy. You are getting everything you ever dreamed of," Bianca said, sharing a secret wink with Arwen. "But do not let it cloud your judgment. You need to stay alert, especially once you are in the castle."

"You make it sound as if I am in grave danger, Mother." Arwen said laughingly, but her tone was not all joking. She knew her mother was always right, and if Bianca said she needed to be alert, then that is what she would be.

"You may very well be, Arwen. We already know you have an enemy in Finnian, and you may gain more. The king marrying a commoner will not be encouraged by everyone."

"How much trouble could Finnian be now? The king has gone against him, and he is marrying me. We have won!"

"The problem is that the king has gone against him. That is something the royal advisor will never forget. To him, you are the cause of the arising problems between him and the king, who used to be his closest friend, who used to listen to his advice. Now, you are the king's new confidante, and Finnian will not take kindly to that. It is like when a new baby is born into a family. The older child, who is used to receiving all the attention from his parents, now feels abandoned because the new child is receiving it all. You have to stake your claim and show him that is how it will be from now on."

"Gavin is not a claim to stake, Mother. I love him," Arwen replied defensively, her heart beating loudly at the thought of Gavin.

"Finnian loves him, too. They've practically been raised as brothers all their lives, since Finnian's father was advisor to Gavin's father. It is going to be hard to compete for the king's affections, I guarantee it." There was a pause as Arwen reflected on this.

"I know I should be concerned about what is to come, but all I could really think about right now is Gavin. Do you think he really loves me, Mother?"

"Of course he does," Bianca told her, smiling assuredly. "The love spells only led him here and prepared his heart to fall in love. They didn't enchant him to fall for you; he could've fallen for anyone, but he chose you."

Arwen took a deep breath and smiled at Bianca nervously. "Do you think I'll make a good queen?"

Bianca squinted her eyes and looked very directly at her daughter, focusing on her.

"You have to be. That is what I am trying to tell you; about being alert and focused. Not just against your enemies, but also towards your kingdom." Arwen shivered at the word. "Yes, your kingdom, for it is partly yours now as well. You have to be able to make decisions and decree commands. Your life will not be easy from now on, Arwen. In fact, you are entering the beginning of the toughest years of your life."

Arwen sighed. "Yes, Mother."

"But," Bianca continued, "you are strong, and I will always be by your side. Therefore, I think you will be the greatest queen Brigantia, and even all of Emery, has ever seen." Bianca smiled again, and this time, Arwen smiled back. She felt herself becoming confident and strong already. Arwen lifted her chest up, standing up straight and tall, with her head held high, like the queen she was going to be.


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