Chapter Fifteen- The White Wedding
Arwen woke up early on the day of her wedding, her heart beating fast and wild. Today, she would marry the love of her life. Today, she would become Queen Arwen of Brigantia, the White Spring Realms of Emery.
Arwen drew her own bath, filling it with white rose petals for love, and tiny amethyst crystals, each the size of a grain of sand, to soothe and balance her mind. She stepped into the warm water, instantly relaxing and feeling her heart calm. This would be the last time she bathed herself, for after today, there would be maids to draw her baths, and wash her hair and body.
Arwen used powered chamomile as the soap to wash her hair, so it's black silkiness would shine all day, and help her shine too. Then she washed her slim and womanly body with a mix of thyme, mint, rosemary, and lavender for calmness and courage. After washing, she sat in the simple metal bathtub, letting the soothing water wash away all her worries and all her nervousness.
"M'lady, I would've drawn your bath, you just had to wake me!" Margaery said as she entered the room to help Arwen prepare.
"No, I wanted to be alone for a little. But I'm washed now, and ready to get dressed." Arwen smiled at her new lady in waiting's eagerness.
"Would you like me to get you some food to break your fast while you dry off, m'lady?" The lady asked, bringing some soft cotton towels for Arwen to dry off with.
"Yes, that would be lovely, thank you. I just want some warm milk mixed with sweet almond oil to drink, and an apple would be lovely." Arwen replied as she stepped out of the bath, and Margaery began patting her dry.
"Right away, m'lady."
As Margaery ran off to get Arwen's breakfast, Arwen finished drying her hair and body and went to her vanity mirror. She sat down in front of it, staring at her reflection. Her long, dark hair was still damp and tangled, her bright blue eyes wide with excitement and nervousness. Her lips were trembling and her cheeks were blushing.
"You look beautiful, m'lady." Margaery said as she walked into the room. She placed Arwen's milk and a napkin with a sliced green apple in front of her.
Arwen began eating a slice of the apple as she said "Thank you, but I look more scared than beautiful right now."
"Nonsense, you are the prettiest queen Emery will ever see." Margaery stood Arwen up, and after making sure her body was completely dry, she whisked the towel off her shoulders and went to grab Arwen a robe.
Arwen stared at the reflection of her naked body in the vanity, her slim waist, round hips and breasts.
As Margaery came back with the robe and began putting it on Arwen, she noticed Arwen's eyes travel nervously over her body.
"Oh, I see, m'lady. You are nervous about tonight? The wedding night with the king?"
"A little. It will be my first time. I'm worried the king won't like me when..." Arwen trailed off, swallowing a lump in her throat.
"Do not fret your pretty self one bit about tonight. As I said before, you are beautiful, and the king will love you. When he sees you, he won't be able to control himself, m'lady, I swear it," Margaery said laughingly as she finished tying the robe around Arwen's waist.
"You really think so?" Arwen whispered, turning and grabbing Margaery's shoulders, her heart beginning to hammer against her chest.
"Of course, m'lady," Margaery replied sincerely, seeing her new queen's anxiety. "Of course I do. You have nothing to worry about, I promise. The king will love you, and you two shall have the most handsome babes ever seen, and the Brigantian throne will be secure."
"Thank you, Margaery." Arwen smiled. the doors to her room opened and Bianca walked in.
She smiled at Arwen and Margaery before exclaiming, "Come on, time is ticking away, let's get you in your wedding dress!"
Arwen stepped out of her manor house, a litter with four carrying men waiting for her. She turned around and looked back at the house she grew up in. It would be the last time she saw it, for what good was a small manor when she would be living in a palace? But she would miss it's quaint beauty, and it would always be home to her. She took a deep breath, and glanced at her mother for courage. Bianca was being helped onto a large brown horse. She would be riding behind Arwen the entire way.
Bianca gave Arwen a single nod. Arwen nodded back and was helped onto the litter. It was a single throne with two bars on the sides for the men to place on their shoulders, and sheer curtains all around so the people could see their queen, but she would still be covered.
Arwen seated herself on the litter and held her breath as the four men lifted her up. They began walking towards the castle, the litter shaking slightly as they marched, following the dirt path through town.
As the litter and the procession following Arwen entered the center of town, townsfolk stepped out of their houses, stuck their heads out of windows and began cheering. Arwen's breath caught in her throat as slowly, but surely, each person began chanting, "God save the Queen! God save the queen!"
Arwen closed her eyes, listening to the cheers and chants. Then she opened them, and pulled aside some of the curtains. As the men continued to carry her through the town, Arwen stuck her hand out between the curtains, waving and smiling at the people. The cheers grew louder as the people greeted their new queen.
The procession reached the castle and entered. They made their way to the castle's chapel, greeted by the people of the king's court. They reached the chapel and waited for the choir to sing so Arwen could make her way to the king.
The music started and Arwen felt her mother lift the train of her dress behind her. She began the long walk to the chaplain and the White King.
The sight of Arwen walking down the aisle took Gavin's breath away. She looked stunning; she truly was the most beautiful woman in all of Emery.
Her wedding dress was simple, and yet so regal and royal; perfect for a queen. It was of the palest white color, the material a soft silk. The skirt and train were full and long, trimmed at the bottom with sheer lace. There was a belt of pearls on her hips, accentuating her slim waist. Her sleeves and low collar were trimmed in a line of pearls, and her hair was pulled back in an intricate braid with a band of pearls circling the top of her head. She was so beautiful...
He was so handsome. Gavin was dressed in his finest regalia, a robe of white velvet trimmed with the whitest fur around his shoulders. He was wearing his crown of gold, with different jewels embedded into it. The largest jewel was a bright, white diamond right in the front of the crown. Everyone in the church sighed in awe as Arwen stepped up next to Gavin, everyone thinking the same thing: this was the most beautiful couple they had ever seen.
Arwen and Gavin did not take their eyes off of each other throughout the entire ceremony. The chaplain welcomed the guests, blessed the couple, and began the wedding vows. Gavin said his vows, his eyes hungrily taking in Arwen; Arwen said hers, blushing, but with a steady voice. They exchanged rings, promising to love and protect each other, to stand by each other's side through all of eternity.
Once the rings were exchanged, the ceremony was over. Everyone in the chapel cheered for the married couple. Arwen smiled, feeling content. Her nervousness left her as she took Gavin's arm, knowing he wouldn't leave her side now.
She thought this was the case until Gavin said, "Arwen, darling, I must leave you for now."
"What? No, we just-"
"I know, but now you must be made Queen of Brigantia, and I cannot be here for that. Tradition says I can only watch your coronation from behind a screen, where you can't see me."
"I do not care about tradition!" Arwen whispered fervently.
"It is all right, I promise. The coronation ceremony is very quick and easy. You will be fine, and I shall see you right afterwards at our dinner party." Gavin smiled reassuringly and winked as he kissed Arwen's hand. She watched as the king and some of his subjects left the chapel through a small door on the side of the altar.
The rest of the church guests settled back down and Arwen turned to face the chaplain again. He asked her to kneel.
Slowly, Arwen went down onto her two knees. She closed her eyes as the chaplain dipped his fingers in holy water and used his index finger to trace a cross on her forehead. Then, he filled a chalice full of blessed wine. The chaplain put white rose petals into the chalice and mixed it in with the wine, handing the chalice to Arwen. The rose petals were the sign of Brigantia, and Arwen had to gulp down the blessed wine and white petals as an initiation to rule the White Spring realms.
She finished the remains of the chalice, handing it back to the chaplain. He turned the chalice upside down, holding it high up in the air for everyone to see that Arwen had completely emptied it. The crowd clapped loudly when not a single drop of wine was spilled.
The chaplain put his hands on Arwen's shoulders and pulled her up to her feet. His assistant handed him a long, thick robe of white velvet, trimmed in the whitest, brightest fur Arwen had ever seen, to match the one Gavin had been wearing. The chaplain draped the robe around her shoulders, the weight of it heavy, but it was also warm and comforting.
She passed behind the chaplain and took a seat on an exquisitely designed chair at the head of the altar, her long dress and the royal robe draping over the throne-like seat. The chaplain received the long, white staff from his assistant, and then passed it on to Arwen. She took the heavy, jeweled staff in her right hand, holding it up with all her strength. Last, came the crown.
It was just like the one in Arwen's dream, years ago when she knew she was a witch. A shining silver tiara with big, bright diamonds encrusted into it. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and now it was hers.
The chaplain raised the crown over her head, and slowly brought it down, saying loudly for all the church to hear, "God save the Queen Arwen, Queen of Brigantia, the White Spring Realms of Emery!" And the crown was placed on her head.
The church roared with the sounds of hundreds of people shouting, "God save the Queen! God save the Queen!"

The Emery Chronicles: The White King's Woman (FIRST BOOK)
Romance(FIRST BOOK) In the mystical kingdom of Emery, four cousins rule side by side, haunted by an old prophecy that would bring their destruction. As one of the kings of Emery falls in love, he does not realize that his lover is a woman who is descended...