Louis' Hideout/ Secret Flat

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Louis sat down on a huge rock. Another rock was in front of that, so I sat there. Louis started his flashback.
"When I was a kid, obviously my parents didn't know a lot about me. I would come out here and just watch nature. It was my own little world.
"One day I decided to build a treehouse. I gathered a bunch of wood, my dad's hammer and nails, and built it all myself. Now, today, other kids use it, not even knowing a glam rock star built it himself."
Louis chuckled for a moment and continued. "I would go here when I had problems or I was sad. Maybe I was lonely. Maybe I was joyful. But only I knew about this part of the forest. Behind the huge, dark green bush. I actually stumbled through there by accident one day. A bunch of bullies from my school were chasing me down the block, so I leaped through there and found this place. The bullies never found me, anyways. No other kid payed any attention to the big old bush.
"I never told my brother or parents about this, and they still don't know. Harry, you are the only person on the face of this planet who knows about this place." I glanced around, amazed at what he said.
"Even as I got older I kept coming here. I named the animals and even named the trees. See, that tall pine over there, I call it Stinky. In the summer, it smells different for some reason, and the smell is always different. Plus, a family of skunks live nearby this tree, so the name fits.
"I would carve things in the tree trunks. 'Louis was here,' or maybe 'Tomlinson passed by.' I always left them just in case I became famous one day... and this would be, oh, I don't know, a preserved part of the forest? I would always come to this spot and sing. I'd sing my heart out, depending on my mood. And..."
Louis walked over to a red tree, just his height. "I planted this tree the day I finished my treehouse. The seed was on the sidewalk outside; I was afraid it'd get trampled by people, so I saved it. This tree means the world to me, and if someone cut it down, I'd... I'd..." Louis was holding back some tears. "I'd do something to teach them a lesson."
He took my hand. "Harry, there's this spot, behind me, behind a fern bush. And I knew, ever since I was little, what I'd do there."
I nodded and Louis stood up. I followed Louis, who pushed the fern bush aside, to reveal a beautiful sight.

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