Dreams Do Come True

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  Amazed, I looked at the trees around me. Splashes of sunlight patched a beautiful, white bench in the middle of the clearing. The grass was a beautiful lime color, and vines crept along the side of the white bench, making it look like it belongs with the forest.

Two birds were on the bench. One was black with a  blue head and the other was a white-yellow color. The yellow one was the smallest. It scared me how much they looked like me and Louis, but with beaks, feathers and wings.
Adam grinned at me and beckoned me to sit down on the bench. I gratefully took the offer. The two birds flew into a nearby tree, singing their own song. Adam didn't sit down. He stood in front of me, and I could tell he was completely in love. So was I. Dreamily, we stared each other in the eyes.
The natural sunlight on Louis' hair was an amazing sight.
Finally, Louis spoke. "Harry..."
"Right now..."
He was silent as he slid his hand under the black tuxedo and seemed to grab something. He didn't pull it out just yet; I was anxious to see what it was, but I listened to Louis' words first.
"... you complete my heart, my soul, my life, me. Without you, I'd have a heart with a huge chunk missing. I'd be depressed with no soul. I'd most likely be dead within the next few days if you died in the car accident. I love you too much to live without you."
He stopped and was about to pull out the mysterious item. I nodded and smiled.
"When I was a kid, I said out loud, strongly and boldly, determined, 'I will purpose to my true love at this spot. And my love will sit on this bench as I give them the ring.' Harry... right now... it is happening."
My heart felt like it halted. My mouth peeked open and my eyes bugged slightly. It? IT? The it we've been talking about for months!? No way...
Louis pulled out a small, black box and got down on one knee. My heart was racing. There is no way this is happening. I blinked, expecting to see Louis sitting next to me, but instead, nothing changed. Oh my God. Stay cool, Harry, stay cool...
He flipped open the small box and revealed a ring with a silver diamond, which seemed to be glowing with it's own light. I wanted to scream of happiness, but I held it in.
"Will you marry me, Harry?"
I kneeled down on both knees in front of Louis. Cupping his face, I gave him a long, passionate and soft kiss. Pulling away, a tear of joy trickled down my face.

Kay guys thank you so much for keeping up with these to crazy I love goof balls  if you liked it.

Love you all you beautiful creatures XOXO

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