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(This chapter is from Louis' Eyes)

It's terrifying. I thought I was going to die...
Moon's hand reached from the side of the plane, her light brown hair flying into her face, her glasses barely staying on her face... and only did I realize she was getting smaller by the second. I felt a weird sensation through my skin, my head was being knocked around violently. My jacket was being ruffled; oh God, the ground was only a mile down about...
My coat! I had this insane idea that my black jacket would save me. And what did it do? It turned into a parachute. I clutched the fabric, floating down, down, down...
I landed on the grass rather roughly, my feet twisted lightly. I fell flat on my face, only to stand up again and spit out the green plants. I stood up and looked around to see where I was.
I was in the middle of the Appellation Mountains.
"H-Harry?" I called wearily, though I knew it was pointless. The plane was sinking out of sight and closer to the ground. My heart lurched. "N-No..." Tears started falling from my eyes and dripping to the ground. Tears of sadness, loneliness, depression, despair... a broken heart. "Harry..." I fell to my knees, my head hanging down, just to make more tears fall to the grass and leak into the earth.
I sniffed, looking back to the sky through a blurry vision. The plane was gone, the screams of Moon, Vix, Diamond and Harry... oh Harry... echoing through my mind. My head was spinning, images of the last few minutes flashing in my vision.
I heard a bang.
The loudest noise I have ever heard, a huge explosion-like noise somewhere off in the distance. It made me flinch, and look up from the ground, tears dripping to the already dew-soaked grass. I saw fire next to one of the mountains... oh crap... Harry was there... My heart ached, telling me he was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.
But what if he fell out of the plane as well?
I stood up, confidence flooding inside of me. I will find Harry! I will...
I started sprinting. Sprinting so fast my hair streaked back and away from my face; the wind tickling my cheeks. I ran and ran to the fire, even though it was miles and miles away. I could see it! I will go save Harry and--
But what if he's dead?
I stopped dead in my tracks, panting from the wild run I had just taken through the empty field where I landed. My sides were heaving, my feet aching. I realized how far I ran already...
I glanced around the horizon. There must be some sort of hotel somewhere, some gas station or something...
But no.
It's just my luck to get stranded in the most unknown part of the mountains. What state am I in, anyways!? My head was throbbing from thinking too much, and my leather gloves seemed to be suffocating my hands. All I had left of Harry was the ring that signals our marriage, and a picture of us at our wedding in my back pocket. Worry swept through me as I thought I might have lost it. But I calmed as my hand pulled out the folded up image that was so important to me.
I am Louis Tomlinson, and I survived a plane crash, and now I'm in the middle of absolutely nowhere, stranded from my husband.
What the hell do I do now!

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