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  "Do you want to just go home now?" Louis whispered to me as we got to our hotel room. I sniffed and nodded, collapsing into Louis arms. "Shhhh," he hushed me and held me closer. "It's okay, she's not coming back..."
"Who exactly was she?" My voice cracked as I cuddled closer to Louis. Louis sighed and kissed my head. "She was Eleanor Calder."
"W-Who?" I stammered as Louis grabbed tissue, wiping the blood from my face. I stared into his eyes as he shakily removed the snot, tears and blood from my cheeks. "Eleanor remember the one you caught me trying to drunk kiss," Louis whispered and tossed the tissue in the small wastebasket. "I did love her," Louis murmured. "But I broke up with her the day after I met you."
"You... did?" I gasped, still sitting on Louis' lap as if I was a child listening to an adult tell a story. "I did," Louis whispered and leaned forward, kissing me gently. I kissed back weakly, still recovering from what had happened before. Louis broke away from me and nodded. "I knew something was going to happen between us right away." I widened my eyes, surprised of what he had said. "Seriously?"
"Seriously," Louis smirked and kissed me again, but this time was a little shorter. "Now, are you okay?" Louis whispered and rubbed my hair gently.
"I'm okay now," I whispered and leaned against Louis. "Can we get packed and catch a plane today or tomorrow?"
"Today," Louis hugged me and stood up after I scrambled off of him and onto the bed. Louis stood and opened the dresser drawers, taking a handful of clothes and holding them up. "Packing now?" He guessed and I nodded, getting to my feet and rushing to his side. I leaned down and grabbed my bag. I opened my drawer and started stuffing the used clothes in the bag until it was almost impossible to close. Louis was doing the same with his bags, going to the bathroom and taking handfuls of hair gel and clothes and stuffing them in more bags.
"Are we packed? Do we have everything?" I questioned Louis, but I kept getting the same answer, which was a nod. We glanced around the room one last time before Louis leaned forward and shut the door. He turned to me and pecked me on the lips. "I'm sorry about Eleanor..."
"Baby, this was the best honeymoon I could imagine," I whispered calmly, my heart beating steadily. He smiled and pecked me again. "I had a blast," Louis whispered and I grinned, following him as he turned heel and walked down the hall.
"Hey Ellie," I laughed as we stepped in the elevator, seeing the small redheaded boy on a Twister mat.
"Wanna play?" He asked, his arms and legs tangled on the colorful spots. I shook my head, grinning. "We sort of have our bags ready to go, and... yeah, no thanks, not now."
"Okay!" Ellie chirped and continued to twist around on the mat through the entire time on the elevator. Maybe we'd see Ellie back at home?
"The limos here," Louis pat my back as we stepped out of the elevator. I looked up at him, confused. "When did you call a limo!?"
"When we were in the elevator," he shrugged and I still stared at him. "There's no way it could of come that fast..."
"It was already in front of the hotel," Louis snickered and I looked down. "Oh..." I felt pretty stupid...
Louis led me out of the hotel and to the black, shiny limo. "Back to L.A.!" He smirked as he shut the door of the limo.

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