Two Turtle Doves...

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  "What did I get TELL ME NOW!" Moon demanded, and the three headed downstairs. Louis and I laughed, and yes, we still did Christmas as if the three are little. We get them presents every Christmas, all they could want. Sadly, this may be our last year living with them, because they were about ready to move out. But hey. why not still pretend?
"You'll have to open your presents like normal people," I stated, and Moon giggled, plopping down by all of her presents which were blue and purple. All of Diamond's were white and silver, and all of Vix's were Orange and black. Just because they love those colors.
Louis and I smiled as the three ripped apart their presents, and first to go WOW! was Vix.
"A new laptop!? Thanks, Louis, really!" Vix cheered, got up and hugged him. She then opened her new Mac and obsessed over it while Moon tore apart her present, literally. It was in shreds.
"Nail polish!!" She squealed, and about a million bottles of various colored nail polish came flooding out. She giggled insanely and picked up a sparkly purple one, examining it closely. Diamond got a new laptop as well, since Moon didn't want a new one at the moment.
"You guys are awesome," Diamond said, and got up, hugging us both. Moon did the same, as did Vix. Once they all finished hugging, they stood back and smiled, ideas obviously in their eyes.
"Now for your presents!" Vix announced, and the three all gave us a present. Louis was as shocked as I was, but we were happy. These three were always very thoughtful when it came to events like this.
"Aw, thanks, girls!" I laughed, opening Vix's present first. I peeled away the colorful paper and saw a box, bought from Zumiez, one of my favorite stores. I grinned at Vix, then opened the box. It was a black and grey, long sleeved shirt, and memories flooded back to me. I used to always wear these!
"Vix, this is great!" I chirped, sitting up and hugging her. She smiled, then looked to Louis as he opened his gift from her. It was... a paper. Louis raised up the paper and read it, smiling.
"It's a song..." he murmured, and Vix nodded. "I named it A Beloved Nightmare, after a book me and Krys wrote!" She informed, and Louis read over the lyrics, his eyes widening.
"This is amazing, Vix, thanks!" He gasped, and Vix smiled, hugging Louis again. After that, Moon gave me a nail-polish she made herself, and gave Louis a new, very expensive  jacket. Diamond gave Louis, the boys, and I a collage of pictures of every award we've won and album we've made so far, along with a pile of gift-cards to his favorite stores. She gave me a matching scarf to go with the shirt Louis gave me, and she hand-made it herself! It was very soft and I loved it, really.
Afterwords, the three went out to see their dates and their friends, and go to a few Christmas parties and such. Louis and I finally had our time, and it was wonderful. We were snuggled together on the couch in front of the fireplace, the dim light of the flames reflecting the house. Haunting memories of fire still are fresh in my mind, it feels like yesterday I was in Louis'arms, coughing and waiting for when I could actually breath...
"Merry Christmas, Hazza..." Louis murmured, pressing his lips into my hair. I smiled and chuckled softly, intertwining our fingers together. He squeezed my hand, and I sighed, just listening to his breath.
"I've got something for you," he said, and reached over to the small table next to the couch. He handed me a silver-and-gold box, small, but my eyes widened in surprise and joy. I grinned and slowly opened the box, very carefully. I was greeted by tissue paper, so I gently separated it to show... two ornaments. Two birds, ready to take flight.
"They're turtle doves," Louis explained. "If you give a turtle dove to someone, it shows everlasting friendship and love. I love you, Harry, forever... and always."
I was flattered, and I looked up at him, my face flushing in a deep red, my heart beating. He smiled his beautiful smile, and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed back as his lips met mine, smiling at the same time. His free hand stroked my hair gently, and I moaned softly, my heart thumping. When he pulled away, I was a deep red... I was flustered.
"Louis... this is great... I love you too, so much..." I sighed, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again, briefly but sweetly. Louis smiled, and I got my gift for him. I watched him open the box, and when he did, he picked the object up. It was a scrapbook, with pictures from everything we've been through from our 5 years as a married couple.
"Oh, wow, Harry..." Louis breathed, flipping through the book slowly. He set it aside to read everything later, and turned to me, squeezing my hand. "This is... these kind of things make me love you even more..."
"I love you too, you big sap," I laughed, and kissed him again, enjoying our night together. So we sat there, kissing each other happily in the light of the fire, the gentle whisks of snow flying by the window...  

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