1. Paper cuts

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I woke up and groaned at the sight of Declan's picture on the wall. Seeing him everywhere I turned in my room didn't help in this situation but I couldn't bring myself to take them down.

We recently ended on a bad note a few days ago. I caught him with his hand down another girls pants and that girl happened to be my 'best friend'. We don't talk anymore, well, no one really talks to me anymore. I haven't really slept well after the incident and after everyone has heard the different versions about what happened to me or what is currently happening to me.

'She's like, borderline suicidal now that they broke up'

'Declan found out she was cheating on him so he did the same to her as payback'

'She can't sleep anymore because of it'

'She plans of ways to get back at both of them'

'I heard she's getting plastic surgery to look exactly like the girl Declan cheated with so he goes back to Rachel'

That's just some of the rumours going around.

I walked over to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water to wake me up from my 4 hours of sleep. I was quite sleep deprived since I haven't been able to sleep after what happened. I guess one 'rumour' was true.

I dabbed a few spots of concealer under my tired eyes, curled my lashes and applied a thick coat of mascara on the top and bottom lash line. I finished off by moisturising my dry and cracked lips with some lip balm.

I wasn't worrying much about my looks today, seeing as I was only going on a plane and settling down for today. I was heading down to Melbourne for the week to compete in the annual volleyball national championships. I went every year but I was particularly excited for this one because I couldn't wait to get out of all the drama my grade had to offer.

When I was finally ready, I grabbed a banana and choc chip muffin in one hand and dragged my suitcase in the other. I followed mum in to the car while I began chewing the top of the choc muffin.

My flight was at 9:25am but since I only lived 10 minutes from the airport at my mums, I could sleep in. Usually on weekdays I stay over at my dads because he lives closer to my school and stay at mums place on the weekends.

When we arrived at the airport, I kissed my mum goodbye, gathered my things and walked up to the departure area.


After 20 minutes of being pushed into the person infront of me by impatient passengers, I finally found my seat. I smiled when I realised my seat was right next to the window and I was sitting alone! I reached into my pocket and took out my tangled ear phones when I heard a loud cheer coming my way. Dear god no...

The boy practically jumped into the seat next to me. I spoke too soon. He continued to scream lyrics of the song he played on his phone, even after three flight attendants told him to keep quiet.

He finally decided to stop when he realised I was sitting next to him. He smiled and tipped his head like he had an invisible hat on.

"Top of the morning to ya, miss" he greeted. His brown eyes sparked and majority of dark brown hair was covered up by a blue and red beanie. He had on a blue jumper and black jeans with a few rips here and there.

I smiled and mimicked him, "you too, sir."

I looked down at my half opened backpack and grabbed my favourite book, The Pact. I began to read whilst the man continued to annoy the passengers.

There was nothing left to say.

He covered her body with his, and as she put her arms around him she could picture him in all his incarnations: age five, and still blond; age eleven, sprouting; age thirteen, with the hands of a man. The moon rolled, sloe-eyed in the night sky; and she breathed in the scent of his skin. 'I love you,' she said.

He kissed her so gently she wondered if she had imagined it. She pulled back slightly, to look into his eyes. And then there was a shot.

"So, mysterious lady who listens to Sleeping With Sirens, whatcha reading?" He asked, curiously looking over my shoulder.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "How do you know I listen to Sleeping With Sirens?"

"Your ear phones aren't plugged in properly,"

I closed my eyes and mentally facepalmed myself. When I opened them back up, I found him looking through a plane magazine that was tucked into the seats pocket in front of him. "Well, are you gonna tell me?"

"Oh, yeah. The pact. It's my favourite book. I've read it like 15 times. This is my 16th time." I replied so quickly, I would be surprised if he actually understood anything I said.

He smiled and let out a faint laugh. He looked over at me and held his hand out, "My names Jai, nice to meet you,"

I shook it, "Rachel," I adjusted my seat belt and looked back at Jai, "so, where you heading?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

He gently pulled his beanie, trying not to wreck his hair. "I'm heading to Melbourne with my brothers to spend Christmas with our mum. What about you?"

"Well there's this annua-" I was soon interrupted by another man, walking around the aisle with his arms out wide.

"Gonna take you for a ride on my big jet plane!" He sung, obviously the only words he knew of the song because literally after, he just sang the word 'da' over again in the same tune.

The old couple opposite us began complaining and swearing at him and he was soon escorted back to his seat by a flight attendant.

Jai and I spent the next hour and a half talking about ourselves. Turns out we had plenty in common. We both loved art, we both sang and shared similar pasts. He told me that when he was younger, about two years old, his father was physically abusing him, his brothers and mother. The man met me less than 3 hours ago but he trusts me enough to know this?

At the same time I felt thankful, I felt trustworthy. Jai was a lovely guy and had the most interesting topics to discuss. In 20 minutes, we went from talking about tattoos to talking about the best sex positions. Don't even ask me how.

I really enjoyed Jai's company; it was better than anyone else I knew. He understood me, he listened to me and the most important part was, he didn't judge me.

I told him about Declan and Jai said he was a jerk for treating me like that. Jai automatically burst into laughter when I showed him a photo of the girl Declan had chose over me.

Jai wiped a fake tear from his cheek, "He broke up with you, for that?" He laughed even louder, causing several passengers to shush him.

I shrugged, "She's obviously better than me. I guess he needed an upgrade."

He raised an eyebrow and looked me deep in the eyes, "You're joking, right? I have never met a girl as gorgeous and had the best personality like you. Judging from her statuses, Casey sounds like a wannabe." He said, scrolling through her Facebook on my phone.

When I kept quiet, he looked over at me. He sighed and put the phone on his lap and lifted the arm rest, between us, up. He spread his arm out, indicating he wanted me to give him a hug.

I smiled and leaned towards his body. I felt his heated up body temperature when I snuggled my head into his chest. Memories of Declan just replayed in my mind over and over again, making me tear up.

"Hey, hey, don't cry," he stroked my back, trying to comfort me. "Just think, you're gonna have a great life without him, you'll find the right guy and," he stopped himself but soon started again, "and you'll be happy."


Hey all c:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! The first few chapters will pretty much be an introduction and I'll try to make the chapter as long and enjoyable to read as I can.

Fun fact: Declan is based on a real person.

Another fun fact: there actually is a volleyball national championship held in Melbourne every year

Alright, well I hope you're liking the story, I'll update straight away when I write the next chapter and finish editing.

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ily all <3

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