6. End with a bang

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I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs sizzling on the fry pan. My team were cooking breakfast and really good breakfast for once! I clicked the home button on my phone and up popped a message from Jai

Good morning babe!

Good luck for your game today, I know you're gonna win and get into top 4. I know you're nervous but just shake it off and relax. miss you <3

The morning after Jai took me around town, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I know we only met a few days back, but he was amazing. He treated me like a princess, he texted me every morning and night, he supported me, he was kind, caring and everything Declan wasn't. Once upon a time, Declan was the perfect boyfriend until he got sick of me like all his other girlfriends. I guess I should have listened to my friends when they told me he was bad news. I wish I let go before I fell in love with him.

I stretched my fingers and started tapping on my screen: I miss you too bub and thanks! I'll make you proud today(:

Within a matter of minutes I received a reply from him: I'll be proud of you no matter what. Can't wait to see your beautiful face tomorrow.

I smiled and went to eat my breakfast and get ready for my day.


"Jai, this is a bad idea" my mother argued. Last night I told my family about Rachel and so far... they're not taking it too well.

Beau slammed his empty water bottle on the kitchen table, "Damn fucking right it's a bad idea! What if she's a fucking axe murderer like Ariana? Or she decides to date another animal looki-" mum interrupted him "Beau, that's enough" she said calmly.

I hate the fact that my family are just judging Rachel by what Ariana was like. Ariana was my ex girlfriend who left me for another man. I didn't take it so well for the next few months. I had panic attacks almost every night, I couldn't sleep, I lost my appetite, I was constantly tired and my world was falling apart. She was happy with him, happier than I could ever make her, which tore me up inside.

I loved her and I knew that if I loved her, I'd have to let her go. Her smile lit up a whole room as it did with my world. It took a while before I finally admitted to myself that she was no longer mine and will never be mine again. I started sleeping better, I started going to the gym again and my panic attacks were at a minimum. I was happy but I never forgot how happy she made me. I never managed to get her off my mind.

Somehow, Rachel was able to. I don't know how she did it, but when I'm with her, I never want to leave her side. When I kissed her at the park, I expected her to push me away but she kissed me back and I never wanted that moment to end. When I see Rachel, I feel different. I feel happy. I feel comfortable. I feel like she's home.

I completely zoned out of my family's lecture about how Rachel was an axe murderer that skinned humans and wore it as PJ's. I really do wonder how my family come up with this nonsense.

"For fuck sake, you met the chick less than a week ago and you're together?" Luke exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "I wish you understood," I said under my breath, hoping they didn't catch what I said.

"What was that?" Luke asked, sternly.

I pushed myself out of the chair so I was standing up, "I JUST WISH YOU ALL UNDERSTOOD, OKAY! I REALLY LIKE HER AND SHE'S BEEN THE ONLY SOURCE OF HAPPINESS IN MY LIFE SINCE..." I cut myself off and took my seat again. I sighed, "Sorry, you're right."

They all stared at me, apologetically. My mother wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight hug. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I should have thought of you instead of myself." She whispered.

I nodded slightly, "It's okay," I said softly before heading down to my room to go to bed. I just left my family at the kitchen not saying good night or anything.

I checked my phone and saw three new messages and two missed calls from Rachel. Oh crap.

Hey bub we won! Call me back when you can


Well, it's okay. I hope to see you tomorrow then :(


I quickly texted her back

I'm so sorry, Rach! I was having dinner with my family and they were giving me lectures and shit and my phone was in my room and I'm so sorry!

After a few minutes of panicking and hoping she didn't hate me, I got a reply.

They don't like me, do they? :/

I stopped and sighed deeply. I slowly tapped keys on my phone, carefully thinking through what I wanted to say. And that's when I realised she needed to know about Ariana before I told her anything else.


I was so cut that Jai's family didn't like me. Sure, I made a bad first impression in front of Beau but ugh. Maybe seeing Jai was a bad idea, I mean, I only met the guy a few days ago and we're already together.

I burrowed my face into my pillow before I heard another beep from my phone. I clutched my phone and drew it close to my face.

Look, I need to tell you something before I can answer that. Can you promise me you'll understand

I sighed and punched his number into my phone. I held the phone against my ear and after three rings, he picked up.

"Rachel, um... I w-wasn't expecting you to call," he stuttered. He sighed through the phone and started again, "Okay, the reason my family don't really like me dating again is because of an ex girlfriend," he stopped, expecting me to reply but instead I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, I really liked her and we had been dating for almost a year and then..." he stopped again.


My throat went dry and I felt tears trickle run down my cheeks. I needed to tell her but I just wasn't ready to talk about her again. I think Rachel heard me crying because I heard her try calming me down.

I sniffled and wiped away tears from my cheeks. "I'm sorry," I apologised "you may know her. She's an actor for Nickelodeon. Cat? From Victorious?"

"Ariana Grande?" She asked, stunned by the fact that I dated her. "You dated Ariana Grande..." I wasn't even sure if it was a question or a statement but to me, it sounded like she wasn't very impressed.

"Yeah, but-" she interrupted me

"No, Jai... I get it." She sighed. "You still love her don't you, I mean, why would you even pick me over her? She's perfect and I'm just... I'm just me." She sounded so disappointed with herself.

"Rachel, that's no-" I tried to stop her but she kept on fighting back.

"Goodbye Jai," she said before hanging up.

I was numb. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think straight. My mind just replayed her last words and I felt the remaining pieces of my broken heart continue to chip away. Well done, Jai, you've fucked it up again.

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