3. Breaking

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I got to the hotel at almost five in the afternoon. I sighed in relief when I finally found the place after getting the taxi driver to drive around several times before I could find it.

I entered the hotel lobby where I was welcomed with my team smiling from ear to ear. They jumped out of their seats and all ran up to hug me. I braced myself before they practically jumped on top of me.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" They all asked at different times. I furrowed my eyebrows at them.

Both my coaches came up behind them. I guess I was pretty lucky to be one of the few teams at school to get two coaches. Mr. Johnson, who everyone just called Johnson, was definitely my favourite coach. I really worked well when he taught me and his time out talks always improved my performance. I do like Sarah as a coach and she's a fun person too. I feel like she's more of a sister and Johnson is more of a dad.

Johnson had his arms crossed against his chest. "Apparently, while they were getting their taxi's, the girls saw you having coffee with a boy " he really emphasised 'boy'.

"And apparently a very cute boy!" Sarah added.

I shook my head and smiled, walking to the elevator. "We were just chatting. Besides, it's not like we're ever gonna see each other again." I heard everyone say 'aw' in disappointment. Our voices echoed through the halls during our loud quest to find our rooms. I took my Melbourne booklet out of my carry bag and my jaw dropped. My first game was at 5:30.


"Welcome home, babes!" Mum greeted, engulfing my brothers and I in one big hug.

"It's great to be home," Luke started. I slowly walked away from the group and wearily dragged my suit case into mine and Luke's room. Well, old room. When I opened the door, it felt like a load of nostalgia just rushed passed me. Mine and Luke's old trophies and medals were scattered around the place. It was something we were really proud to show off since we started off being the last ones picked for a team to being one of the best players.

Something else that also caught my eye was the acoustic guitar leaning against our small tv. I hadn't used it in years. When we moved to LA, Luke bought his own guitar and I stopped playing because I never got any of my songs finished.

Yeah, lame. I wrote songs. Songs about girls that rejected me, songs about my dad, songs about random shit. It was my way of expressing myself but I never really got to finish any; not a single song. Today, I concentrate more on my drawings to express myself.

I climbed into my bed on the bottom bunk (since Luke was born 2 minutes before me, he got the top bunk because he was older ) and slipped my phone from my pocket. I was disappointed that Rachel hadn't texted anything new.

I unlocked my phone and immediately began to type a message to her

Hey, I just got home, safely. Did you find your way to the hotel alright? :)

My thumb hovered over the send button while I read over it again and again. I didn't wanna seem like I was obsessed with her or that I wanted to know her every move but I just really wanted to speak to her. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before I forced my thumb down on the screen. When I opened them back up, my message had already sent and there was no going back. Thank you, iOS7.

"Jai! Food is ready!" Mum yelled from afar. I shook the anxiety from me and got out of bed. As I walked to the kitchen, my phone vibrated in my palm. I quickly brought the phone to my face and sighed with relief.

hey Jai! I'm glad to know you got home safe. Yeah I found my way alright but I just found out my first game is at 5:30am tomorrow :'(

I chuckled and my family looked up. They exchanged looks before they continued to eat the Italian food mum provided. "What's up with you?" She asked, smiling at how silly I must have looked, laughing randomly.

I looked up for a split second the looked down again, "nothing" I said through a smile.

Aw that sucks! Where abouts are your games? It would be so bad if you had to travel a long way that early

"The girl," I heard Beau murmur. Everyone caught what he said and looked up at me.

Mum slammed her cutlery on the table angrily. "Are you talking to Ariana again?" She almost screamed. This was were Beau inherited his angry almost scream voice.

"No," Beau stopped her, taking a sip of water. "She's new." Beau eyed me, disappointingly.

"And that's what I call rebounding," Luke said quietly, holding back a smile. He continued to eat his spaghetti. I rolled my eyes and stomped off.

"Jai," I heard mum calling after me but I ignored her. I slammed the door behind me and collapsed onto my bed. I gathered myself up on one corner and brought my knees to my chin. Ariana. I forced my eyes shut, hitting the sides of my head with my palms.

"Forget about her. Forget about her" I repeated, tears running down my cheeks. "DON'T THINK OF HER, JAI" I screamed at myself but it was too late. Memories; happy and sad times flooded my mind. I felt her soft warm hands over mine and tasted her cherry cola lips touching mine. I remembered everything. And I hated it. I clawed at my sheets and threw my pillow away.

My family rushed and surrounded me in one small space. They engulfed me in one big hug, calming me down. "Shhh Jai. Everything's gonna be alright," I heard my mum's voice wobble, probably from holding in a cry. I sobbed harder because I knew it wasn't going to be alright. Nothing was ever gonna be the same.


I woke up with a stiff and puffy face. My body was weak and my head was sore. I rubbed my eyes, getting up from my bed. When I looked at the top bunk, I found it empty. Confused as to why Luke wasn't sleeping when it was 2am, I slowly opened the door and walked out. The halls were dark but the only source of light came from the kitchen. I heard familiar voices, talking sternly.

"This hasn't happened in months, mum. Of course I don't want him to get bad again but what am I supposed to do? We can't leave him locked up in captivity or pretend that everything is okay, like tonight didn't happen." Luke realised how loud he was getting and stopped.

I walked closer to the light and saw them standing and sitting. Beau rested his head on the round dining table and Luke and mum stood behind him, leaning against the counter. They looked distressed like what they were doing for me wasn't enough to make me happy. What they didn't realise was that they were my happiness but the thought of her haunted me.

I approached them, staying a good few meters away. I played with my fingers, nervously and looked down at the floor. "I-I'm sorry. You don't deserve this. I shouldn't have put this on you," I apologised.

They all looked at me with sad eyes. Mum walked over to me with open arms and wrapped them around me. I hugged her back. I can't believe I caused them all this pain.



I'm going to Melbourne in 5 days omg I'm so excited!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that chapter! Please vote, comment and add. Also, could you please help me out and share this story? Twitter, tumble, Facebook, telling people, anything! I'd really like my story getting more reads(:

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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