4. Straight Ahead

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Reach for the stars, kid. I've been wondering. Heavens not too far kid, we've been tumblin

I groaned and forced my heavy eyelids open. 4:00am. Fuck. I searched my surroundings, knocking stuff from my side table, trying to turn off my phones alarm. When I finally did, I rubbed my eyes and lifted myself out of bed. Everyone else was just starting to wake up.

I dawdled to the bathroom and started washing my face. After, I drew a thick layer of eyeliner on my water line and coated my lashes in mascara before I was ready for breakfast.

When I walked into the kitchen I found Jaymee cracking eggs into a bowl. Jaymee and I have been friends since we were in primary. She had a hard time with her mother being an alcoholic and losing customers because she'd show up to work drunk. Now her family is on a budget and she was almost not coming to Melbourne this year.

"Breakfast is ready!" She yelled out, sliding the scrambled eggs on each plate.

I grabbed my phone from the counter I had left it last night. The girls and I decided to watch The Conjuring and I ended up passing out. It was a really boring movie okay!

I clicked the home button and saw a text message from Jai. I smiled and texted him back

it's that sport centre 20 minutes away from my hotel. Idk what it's called sorry :( hate waking up this early!


Ok Rachel. Pass the ball, transition and go back to base. All you have to do.

I felt sweat dripping down my forehead from all the stress, panic and anger. I had missed the servers ball seven times, definitely not what a libero should be doing.

"One pass; high pass. That's it, Rachel" I whispered to myself, setting my body in a ready position.

I heard the whistle and the girl served. Hard. At me. I closed my eyes and felt the ball perfectly bounce off my forearms. The other teams from school came to support us and cheered when I FINALLY got the pass.


I took a deep breath and smiled. The arena was amazing. I saw friendly faces and a bunch of enthusiastic kids eager to play volleyball. Beau ruined the light by slamming the car door when he came out. Oh, I forgot to say, I made him drive around Melbourne City trying to find this place so, I'm guessing he's pretty pissed off.

I sprinted into the stadium. I couldn't wait to see Rachel again. I looked back at Beau who glared at me angrily.


I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked back at the score board. 24 points to us. 24 points to them.

My heart raced as we served. The other team passed it, set it and we got ready for the spike. It came directly at me like a rocket. I couldn't help but duck.

I heard loud gasps and turned my head slightly to see a man laying on the ground with the ball next to him. It was not long until I realised the man was Jai and his big brother, Beau was running after him screaming.

Staff immediately rushed him to the sick bay. When we finished our game, I gathered my belongings and went over to the sick bay where I found several kids with injuries. I searched around and found a bed at the back of the room with a boy laying in it, holding a cold pack over his forehead. I hurried over to him and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for it to hit you!" I apologised loudly.

He chuckled and put one arm around me, "It's fine, I should have been more careful."

I moved away, grabbing a chair and moving it in front of the bed. I continued apologising but he kept defending me. We sat there in an awkward silence causing me to go into a day dream.

He coughed and my head instantly shot up, shaking away my thoughts. Jai sat up and rubbed the back of his neck, nervously, "So um, what have you got planned for the rest of the day?"

"Nothing, maybe just settling into Melbourne, getting ready for the big days ahead," I replied.

He nodded slightly. "Well um... Would you maybe, like, would you like to maybe, wait no... Would you like to um," he panicked. His hands smacked into his face in embarrassment and he sighed loudly, "Would you... Would you like to walk around and get to know Melbourne better?"

"Sure," I smiled.


wuddup home dawgs!

we won bronze for volleyball WOOO! I haven't been able to update for a while because of volleyball but I wrote two chapters and I'll be uploading the next one in a few days(:

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