11. this is forever

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The cars engine roared as Beau stomped on the accelerator, sending all the passengers back and pushed against their seats. Wind rushed passed us and made it whip against my face. Luke made me put a blind fold on so I wasn't able to see anything. However, I was quite aware of my surroundings. I sat behind an angry luke, yelling at a speeding beau beside him.

We soon came to a long awaited halt and I let in the unpleasant smell of wet dog. I heard Luke get out of the car and open my door to help me out. "Jesus Beau, is that you?" Luke questioned with disgust, probably referring to the wet dog smell. Beau didn't answer but I figured he would have smelt his shirt and either shrugged or nodded. Luke started to lead me as cars zoomed passed us.

"Almost there," Luke repeated for the 17th time. We stopped and he slowly unravelled the blindfold. "Now open your eyes," he instructed.

I was surrounded by bright lights wrapped around palm trees that outlined the dirt path we walked on. I looked ahead and saw a large cave-like figure made out of the same lights. Even more lights dangled above us, acting like stars on this cloudy night. It was the Christmas park but in the way I've never seen it.

I turned to Luke absolutely speechless and hugged him. "I figured since the incident, I'd bring you closer to the two things that made you happiest." Luke smiled softly and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Two things? What's the other thing?" I asked. He looked ahead and pointed to the light cave before giving me a tight hug and whispering, "go".

I followed the dirt path that led to the sparkling cave. As I got closer, I started to realise what the second was and seeing a candle-lit table in the middle of the cave gave me the answer. I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found Rachel in a long, red, fitting dress that got looser and flowier from the thighs down.

"Rach!" I exclaimed almost jumping on her for an embrace.

We walked towards the small candle-lit table, hand in hand. I examined the objects placed on top of the white cloth and saw lasagne, wine and a letter next to my meal entitled, "present 2#"

I carefully opened up the envelope and quietly read to Rachel:

"Dear Jai,

If you're reading this (and you most likely are unless you're a dumb cunt and didn't see the envelope), merry christmas! I love you with all my heart and you're the best brother (soz beau). I just wanted to use this as an opportunity to say thank you for always being there for me; understanding me and knowing what I'm like; accepting me and just everything you do/ have done for me, thank you.

Beau and I spent several hours setting up these lights which was actually illegal because we asked city counsel if we could do this and they said no, so...

I also brought Rachel to Melbourne and kept her out of sight for three days.

I really do hope you like your presents haha. Sorry this letter is kinda going no where so I'll end it here.

Love you Jai,

Luke x"

I lifted my head up and searched the horizon until I saw Luke smiling softly at me. I smiled and gave him a soft nod. Best. Twin. Ever.


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