Chapter 6

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Ashton slipped away and went to Miss. Smith. He wanted to tell her what happened. With Luke kissing  his head and him catching feelings for Luke. He wanted to talk about it. 

He knocked on the open door. Miss. Smith looked up at Ashton and smiled. 

"Come in." She motioned for Ashton to come in. 

He walked in and sat on her desk next to her. He took the piece of paper and pen she was holding. He wrote down what happened and gave her the paper. 

"Now this Luke boy. Is his last name Hemmings?" He asked him. 

Ashton nodded. 

"Do you like him?" 

Ashton shrugged his shoulder telling her I don't know. 

"Do you trust him?" 

Ashton nodded, Luke proved himself trust worthy. He even smiled. 

"I think you do like him, you're scared of liking him though. Hun, listen to me. It's okay to like other guys." She patted his knee. 

"Ashton!" Luke ran into the room. "I've been looking for you." 

Luke was worried. He had sweat running down his face. His eyes were red and puffy. 

"I thought Blake got to you." He sat down in one of the seats out of breath. 

Ashton got off the desk and walked over to Luke. He placed his hand on Luke's. Looking up at Ashton Luke smiled and Ashton smiled in return. He moved his hand and cupped his cheek. Ashton's eyes searched Luke's. 

He pulled out his phone and texted Luke. 

[Ashton : You've been crying?]  

"Yeah, I was so worried about you Ash." Luke wiped his eyes. 

"Luke, do you like Ashton?" Miss. Smith asked. 

Luke blushed. Ashton smiled and looked down. 

"Anyways, take of him. He's like a son to me. I can't be there for him twenty-four seven." She rubbed Ashton's back. "Get to class guys." 

They both nodded and walked out the classroom. Luke stayed by Ashton's side. Well until it came to the classes they didn't have together. But he made sure that he was at the door when Ashton came out. It made Ashton feel safe. Luke was like his guardian angel. 

"How was class." Luke smiled as Ashton walked out of Biology. 

"It was okay." Ashton sighed. 

Luke stood silently as he heard Ashton's voice. He blinked a few times trying to register what just happened. 

"You-you just talked." Luke smiled widenly. 

For the first time Luke heard his voice. He was happy to hear it. 

They walked into the lunch room. Luke made Ashton eat. 

"Hey guys." Luke said as they sat down with Michael and Calum. 

"Hey Ashton." Calum smiled. 

Ashton waved at him. He was shocked that he was talking to him since he pushed Calum away. Luke gave Calum a hard look. Calum backed down with a smile on his face. 

"Hello babe." Hayley sat next to Luke. "After school, me and you. My house." 

"Give up. I don't want you." Luke said annoyed as ever. 

"So you don't want these." Hayley grabbed Luke's hand and placed it on her breast. 

"Eww!" Luke stood up, his eyes widen in fear. "I need a dick to touch." 

Calum, Michael and even Ashton laughed. Ashton covered his mouth as everyone looked at him. Luke turned his full attention to Ashton. 

"Your laugh is so cute." Luke smiled. "Oh and you, please go. You're stinking up the area." 

Calum and Michael laughed. Ashton didn't laugh. He was shocked that he even laughed. Hayley left cussing under her breath. 

"Can you laugh for me again?" Luke said to Ashton sitting down. 

Ashton swallowed the lump in his throat and shook his head. Luke nodded and they ate in half silence. Calum and Michael were talking. 

"I remember when me and Ash were in ninth grade. He was a sassy freshmen." Calum laughed and stopped. 

"You used to talk?" Luke looked at Ashton. 

Ashton nodded and got up. He ran out grabbing his bags. Luke ran after him. 


I hope you all are enjoying this. Stay Strong. Now matter what bad comes your way you have to Stay Strong. And remember Stars Shine The Brightest In The Darkness. 

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