Chapter 15

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It's a day before graduation and Luke is never as ever. Ashton and his mom were having bonding time. Which left Luke stuck with Michael and Calum. 

"Wanna here our ship name?" Calum asked Luke, looking up from Michael's lap. 

"No." Luke grumbled. 

"It's Malum." Calum said it anyways. "Oh oh ... You and Ashton's ship name can be Lashton." 

Luke laughed but then thought about it. It's not a bad name. He liked it. He went on twitter and tweeted a picture of him, Ashton and Michael, Calum. He put RT if team Lashton Fave if team Malum. His twitter blew up. Malum was in the lead them Lashton was in the lead. The boys laughed. 

"Malum is going to win for sure." Michael said. 

"Nah, Lashton is winning as of right now." Luke smiled. 

"Hey, why didn't you and Ashton go to prom?" Calum asked him. 

"We just didn't want to go." Luke sighed remembering the day. 

"Did you two go?" Luke asked. 

"Yes, it was boring so we left." Michael smirked. 

"We the dirty." Calum laughed. "Have you and Ashton done the dirty yet?" 

Luke looked down. A huge smile grew on his face. Michael and Calum both knew the answer. 

"I want Ashton!" Luke shouted leaning back and falling off his bed. "Ouch." 

"Want me to kiss it for you." Ashton was standing in the door way. 

"Ashy!" Luke got up and wrapped his arms around Ashton. "I missed you so so so much." 

"I can tell." Ashton laughed. 

They all sat down. Ashton sat in between Luke's legs. Luke played with his hair. Making Ashton sleepy. 

"So what did you do today." Luke asked Ashton. 

"I went shopping. I got us something." Ashton sat up. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. 

"I saw your post and by the way Lashton is winning." Ashton looked at Michael and Calum. 

"What, No!" Calum grabbed his phone. 

"So I had this custom made." Ashton opened the box. 

It was two silver chains with two half hearts, they connected and spelled Lashton Forever. 

"I want the one with Lashton." Luke smiled. 

Ashton laughed and nodded. He took the necklace out and put it on Luke. Luke put the Forever part on Ashton. They kissed. 

"Why can't we be goals Mikey." Calum wined. 

"Because." Michael said not having an explanation. 

"So tomorrow is graduation guys. Are you all excited?" Calum changed the subject. 

"Yes." Luke and Ashton said. 

The night was filled talk about what they plan on doing after graduation. Luke and Ashton got expected into the same college along with Michael and Ashton which was good for all of them. 


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Remember Stay Strong! The darkest night have the brightest stars!  

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