Chapter 8

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Luke was about to walk away until he heard yelling. Everything went silent. Luke ran up to the door. He heard a man say "get your faggot ass into your room" Luke knocked on the door. He texted his mom the address saying bring Jack and Ben too.

Luke knocked on the door again. More like banged. A man with a beard and a beer in his hand opened the door. Luke ran in searching for Ashton's room. He heard water running. He wiggled the doorknob but the door was looked. He banged on the door but nothing. He banged and banged. Tears streaming down his face. He shouldn't have brought Ashton home.

"Fuck!" Luke hit the door.

He heard the man yelling at what sounded like his brothers. Luke thought. He needed to act quick. He kicked the door. After three tries the door was knocked down. Luke ran into the bathroom. The door wasn't locked. Thank God. Luke saw Ashton's almost lifeless body. Deep cuts in his wrists. He pulled Ashton out of tub.

"No! No!" Luke cried harder. "Call the ambulance!"

Luke grabbed towels and covered the wounds. Blood covered half of the floor.

"Please don't leave me. Please Ash. I love you. You can't leave me." Luke sniffed.

He did love Ashton. Even if he didn't know Ashton for long. Ashton had his heart. There's no denying that. Paramedics can into the bathroom pushing Luke out. He began screaming and yelling telling them to let him in. He was held back by his brother. Anger boiled in Luke's veins. He ran down stairs to where Ashton's step-dad is.

"You did this. You cause this! This is your fault! If he dies I swear...I will kill you. Actually I'll let you live with the pain, because you did this to him!" Luke nearly shouted.

His attention was drawn to the stretcher that was being wheeled into the house. Two men carried Ashton's body to the stretcher. They gently placed him into it. The police cuff his step-dad.

"I need to be with him." Luke said.

One of the paramedics nodded and Luke followed them out. He into the back with Ashton.

"Is he going to make it." Luke asked fighting back his tears.

"We can't say. He's lost a lot of blood." A man answered. "Are you his boyfriend?"

Without hesitation Luke nodded. The man smiled.

"My son is gay. He came out to me two days ago. I was shocked, I pushed him away but today...I realized that there's nothing wrong with him. He's still my son no matter what." The man sighed.

"Tomorrow you should spend the day with him." Luke said, he never took his eyes off of Ashton, his hand off of Ashton's hand.

"Please come back to me Ash." Luke sniffed.


"Why are they keeping me from him!" Luke shouted, outraged that they won't let him see Ashton.

"Luke calm down." His mom rubbed his back.

"I can't...I need to see him." Luke's breathing picked up, he began choking on air.

"Please let my son see him." Luke heard his father say.

The nurse looked at Luke. He was having a panic attack. He needed to see Ashton. To know he's okay. He can't lose Ashton. The nurse nodded.

"Come with me." She motioned for Luke to follow her.

Luke walked into the room. It was all white and cold. He pulled the covers tighter around Ashton. He kissed his cheek.

"I love you, I know it's early to say this but I do love you. I can't lose you. Please please wake up Ashton." Luke kissed the back of Ashton's hand.

"I don't care. He's one of my students. I look at him like my own son. I can't believe this happened." Luke heard Miss. Smith cry. "I didn't even know. How could I have been so blind to the obvious."

She walked into the room and saw Luke crying into his chest. She rubbed Luke's back.

"I can't lose him. I could have saved him." Luke mumbled into Ashton's chest.

"It's not your fault hun." She sniffed.

They stayed in the room. Waiting for Ashton to wake up. Luke cried himself to sleep.

"Luke." Ashton croaked


Enjoying it? I hope so. I'm so sorry if this is triggering to anyone who is reading this. Please stay strong!! 💞

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