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Okay, we're starting the sequel for A Fresh Start. This will probably be slow going as I want to make sure I tell Marie's story well and appropriately. I'd like to thank all of my readers from A Fresh Start and their stories about their children with Autism. Your recollections will help me tremendously in Marie's story. I'm an educator and I'm familiar with the educational ramifications of Autism, but not living with a child with Autism on a day to day basis.

Anyhow, Twilight is not mine. Never will be mine. Ever. *WAAAH!* David, Lizzie and Marie are mine in a literary sense. Ren, too.

Chapter Five: Seattle

I had weighed every option. Every positive. Every negative. And I was no closer to a decision about the position that Dr. Sancken and Dr. Eddy offered me. I asked Edward what he thought and he said that whatever I decided to do, he's support me.

Thanks, baby. I need a little more help.

"Edward! I need your brain," I groaned from the office. He was doing the dishes from dinner. "Help!"

He came into the office and leaned against the door frame. The rag he was using to dry the dishes was draped over his shoulder. He was smiling with his brow raised. "Bella, I told you what I think. I can't make this decision for you," he said. "Did you make a list of pros and cons?"

"Yes, and they are solid arguments for taking the position and staying home," I moaned, plunging my hands into my hair.

"You've spent the past week with the kids and can you see yourself doing it long term or do you want to work?" Edward asked.

"I absolutely love it. Now. But will the novelty wear off?" I asked, looking at my devastingly gorgeous husband. "God, you look scrumptious, Edward."

"Um, random," he snickered.

"Sorry. Just seeing a guy doing anything remotely domestic...phew! Anyhow, I don't know," I said.

"Why don't you come up with counter proposal? I mean, you can do some of the work from home, couldn't you?" Edward suggested. "Telecommute two days a week and work on site for three."

"This is why I needed your brain! You're brilliant, Edward!" I squealed

"I know," he said with a smirk. "I'm going to wash our stinky son. Did he roll around in shit or something? He is rank."

"I have no idea. Maybe he found a pile of crap of Nessie's and smeared it on his face," I said. "Thank you for washing him. I'll be up after I send Dr. Sancken your suggestion."

"Can you also check us in for our flight? Print out our boarding passes?" Edward called over his shoulder.

"Got it," I said as I turned to the computer. I sent off my email and then printed out our boarding passes. Esme and Carlisle were staying at our home with David and Lizzie while we were going to Seattle with Marie. I was freaking out about the possibilities of what could be wrong with her. However, Edward said that Dr. Kate Diamante was the best in her field. I trusted him implicitly.

I put our boarding passes on the kitchen counter and went to check on Edward and the kids. Lizzie and Marie were playing with Nessie in Marie's room. Edward was getting drowned by our son. "David, you are not a fish, boy," Edward grumbled. "I've already showered today. Actually, twice. Can you say gastrointestinal bleed?"

"What's that, Daddy?" David asked.

"I was covered in blood from someone's belly," Edward explained.

"And it's really stinky," I said. "I make your Daddy take two more showers when he gets home because the smell just stays in his hair. It smells like something you do in the bathroom and you forgot to turn on the fan."

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