Mommy Dearest

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Okay, we're starting the sequel for A Fresh Start. This will probably be slow going as I want to make sure I tell Marie's story well and appropriately. I'd like to thank all of my readers from A Fresh Start and their stories about their children with Autism. Your recollections will help me tremendously in Marie's story. I'm an educator and I'm familiar with the educational ramifications of Autism, but not living with a child with Autism on a day to day basis.

Anyhow, Twilight is not mine. Never will be mine. Ever. *WAAAH!* David, Lizzie and Marie are mine in a literary sense. Ren, too.

You still with me? I know I've been slacking on this one. Part of it is honestly, I don't know where I'm going with this. I know that Renee will be the bad guy but yeah. Secondly, is that some people have been 'rude' about my portrayal of Marie. I'm not a parent. I'm a teacher and I've dealt with children with Autism. But not on a daily, living situation. All of my research has been done online and from the help and guidance from my patient readers (you know who you are and I appreciate your guidance!). I'm hoping to keep up the story of Edward, Bella and their crazy brood, but please be patient with their growth. If there's something wrong, please don't hesitate to contact me, privately. Thanks!

Chapter Fifteen: Mommy Dearest

Life slowly returned to normal after our trip to Disney World. Edward dove headlong into his new position as the chief of staff. His first decision was hiring a new head of emergency medicine. He ruffled a few feathers when he announced two heads, Dr. Shapiro and Ren. They would share the role and work together to run the ER. Dr. Shapiro was baffled by this but when Edward explained why he decided the way he did, he understood. With Jake's illnesses, Ren needed to be there for his husband. Dr. Shapiro also had younger children. So, this was the best option for everyone.

The kids prattled on about the trip for weeks. Everywhere we went, they had a story or a comment about Disney World. The most random statement came from David. We were in the checkout lane at the grocery store and he told the older gentleman behind us that he thought that the robots in at Magic Kingdom were secretly zombies. Then, he started singing 'It's a Small World.' I pulled him next to me, smiling sweetly at my cohort in line, uttering my apologies for my random child. He just laughed and smiled, saying that David reminded him of his grandson.

I paid for our groceries and we waved goodbye at our new friend before heading out to the car. Esme was watching the girls while I went grocery shopping with David. I was almost to my car when my cart was stopped by a hand. "Excuse me," I said as I tried maneuver around my obstruction.

"Is that how you are going to greet your mother?"

"Renee," I said coldly, looking up at her. Jesus, she looked awful. She had had more plastic surgery and her face didn't even look real. "It's freezing and I have got my son with me. Excuse me." I moved the cart past her and scowled as we continued to our car. Renee teetered behind us in her heels. Great, she's following us. Fabulous. I ignored her and put David in the backseat. Then, I started putting the groceries into the back of my car.

"Isabella, I'm still your mother. You can't ignore me forever," she said.

"Uh, yes. I can," I smirked. "You are a hateful, vindictive bitch that just wants to get her claws into my husband. Let me tell you something. It ain't going to happen. So go back to whatever husband you left and leave me and my family alone."

"You're the bitch," Renee snarled. "You won't even let me see my grandchildren."

"Please," I snorted angrily. "Like you care about them. You're just using my children as a ploy to get to Edward."

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