Time Heals all Wounds

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Twilight is not mine. Never will be mine. Ever. *WAAAH!* David, Lizzie and Marie are mine in a literary sense. Ren, too.

I do apologize with the sporadic updates with this one. I struggle with this story and finding the momentum is tough. With that being said, please be patient with me on this one. I do intend to finish it. It'll probably take time. I'm hoping to be finished with this by Christmas-time. I've planned out the remainder of the story. We're getting closer to the climax, folks. Originally, I had planned this to be roughly thirty chapters, plus an epi, but I've combined chapters and whatnot. It may turn out to be less than thirty.

Now, I'm thinking that we may have one more real chapter, then the epilogue. I'm changing my story plan, slightly. Dr. and Mrs. Masen will get their HEA, I promise. It's just gonna be different, kids. A sneak preview...fast forward in time to Christmas Ball and some new bling will be dispensed.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Time Heals All Wounds


I was getting ready to be released from the hospital two days later. The orthopedic surgeon had to go in and make some minor corrections to the pins in my arm because I was complaining of shooting pains radiating up and down my hand. The pins were too close to my already frayed nerves and they needed to be readjusted. I had a long recovery for my arm ahead of me, along with the emotional fallout.

My children were clingy and needy, wanting to be almost inside of me. However, my injuries prevented them from getting too close. In addition to my broken arm, I had several fissures in my ribs and numerous sets of stitches on my legs, torso and head from the shattered glass from the car accident. The girls, thankfully, had no lasting physical effects from our ordeal. Unfortunately, they were in desperate need of therapy from the atrocities that Mike and Renee subjected us to. Dr. Marcus volunteered to work with all of our children, coming out to the house because the kids were afraid of getting into a car and being kidnapped.

Edward was still walking on egg shells around me. His entire being was fraught with guilt and pain. He apologized to me over and over again, begging for forgiveness. He felt awful for saying what he did to me. For the most part, I forgive him. But, there is that niggling voice in the back of my head that if he said it in anger, does he have those feelings in his heart? So, I've been distant with my husband. I've been grateful for all of the help he's done for me in taking care of me, washing my hair, helping me in the bathroom and just being my go-fer, but I was fearful that he was only doing that out of obligation to squash the guilt he felt. Not because he loved me.

And that, my dear friends, is why I needed to talk to someone. Yes, I was dealing with the turmoil of my abduction and the nightmares that followed it, but it was lack of faith in my husband's seemingly loving gestures and fear that he was not doing it because he loved me but out of guilt.

I sound so petty and childish, but I cannot shake that feeling.

"Are you ready to go home, Bella?" asked Ren.

"You have no idea," I deadpanned. "I want to sleep in my own bed. I want to take a bath in my own tub. It's not like I don't love being here..."

"Bella, I get it. Working here is one thing. When you're a patient? It sucks," he snickered. "Anyhow, Dr. Shapiro and Edward are talking about his leave."

"Ren, be honest, how's the board taking Edward's leave of absence?" I asked.

"Felix was not happy when Edward called up the hospital after you were taken. He was ready to hire Dr. Shapiro permanently. However, it was Edward's dad, Dr. Snow and a whole slew of doctors and nurses who rallied behind him. Edward is well-loved in the hospital. He's a fair leader and his dream for the hospital is amazing. The board, ironically enough, voted Felix out and encouraged Carlisle to take his place," Ren laughed. "Carlisle is starting in August as the chairman of the board. I think Esme is overjoyed, really." Ren sat down and he removed my IV. "I know that there's rumors that Edward is thinking about opening a private practice."

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