Anger, Apologies and Injuries

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Okay, we're starting the sequel for A Fresh Start. This will probably be slow going as I want to make sure I tell Marie's story well and appropriately. I'd like to thank all of my readers from A Fresh Start and their stories about their children with Autism. Your recollections will help me tremendously in Marie's story. I'm an educator and I'm familiar with the educational ramifications of Autism, but not living with a child with Autism on a day to day basis.

Anyhow, Twilight is not mine. Never will be mine. Ever. *WAAAH!* David, Lizzie and Marie are mine in a literary sense. Ren, too.

You still with me? I know I've been slacking on this one. Part of it is honestly, I don't know where I'm going with this. I know that Renee will be the bad guy but yeah. Secondly, is that some people have been 'rude' about my portrayal of Marie. I'm not a parent. I'm a teacher and I've dealt with children with Autism. But not on a daily, living situation. All of my research has been done online and from the help and guidance from my patient readers (you know who you are and I appreciate your guidance!). I'm hoping to keep up the story of Edward, Bella and their crazy brood, but please be patient with their growth. If there's something wrong, please don't hesitate to contact me, privately. Thanks!

We're going to hear from our favorite hot doc as a treat! WOO HOO!

Chapter Sixteen: Anger, Apologies and Injuries


I shouldn't be mad. I really shouldn't but I'm absolutely livid. I'm livid at my wife. At Renee. At this whole fucking situation. I don't understand why Renee was so insistent on weaseling her way back into Bella's life. I definitely don't understand why Bella is torn about Renee. That woman has caused nothing but trouble since she was a girl. The cops needed to be called and a restraining order needed to be put in place against Renee.

Bella had fallen asleep after her lunch with Renee and was crying. Her face was tear stained. I know that it was due to my cold behavior toward her. I probably should have backed away but I glowered at her stubbornness. I hated the fact that I made Bella cry but I was epically pissed.

"Daddy, can I have some foot snacks?" Marie asked quietly.

"Fruit snacks," I corrected. "Foot snacks sounds kind of gross."

"Sounds good to me," David said groggily and loudly.

"Shhh," I hissed at him. "Let's leave and let your mom take a nap with Lizzie." They both nodded and we slid out of the bed. I moved Lizzie to Bella's side and they curled around each other. Nessie cuddled next to Bella's behind and burrowed her nose underneath her paws. David, Marie and I went downstairs and I gave both of them 'foot snacks.' I turned on the TV and put in a video for them while I went to call my mom to see what really went down with Renee.

"Unless you are calling with a random sweepstakes where I won a whole set of pots and pans, I'm busy," my mom growled.

"What's wrong?"

"Your father decided to try his hand at cooking. He ruined all of my pots and pans," she grumbled. "What's up, Edward?"

"What happened at lunch?"

"Oh, Renee is a piece of work," Esme growled. "I've never seen such a self-centered, egotistical bitch in all of my life. Bella is so unlike her."

"Bella wants to give her a chance. Or at least, I think she does," I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face. "I'm confused."

"I can understand where Bella is coming from but I also get the fact that Renee is an epic bitch and a half with zero fashion sense," Esme said dryly. "If you were given the opportunity to spend time with your parents, would you?"

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