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Okay, we're starting the sequel for A Fresh Start. This will probably be slow going as I want to make sure I tell Marie's story well and appropriately. I'd like to thank all of my readers from A Fresh Start and their stories about their children with Autism. Your recollections will help me tremendously in Marie's story. I'm an educator and I'm familiar with the educational ramifications of Autism, but not living with a child with Autism on a day to day basis.

Anyhow, Twilight is not mine. Never will be mine. Ever. *WAAAH!* David, Lizzie and Marie are mine in a literary sense. Ren, too.

Chapter Four: Fall-Out


God, can this morning suck anymore? First, my kids are being ungrateful brats. Complaining about everything, especially waking up. Secondly, I fell and twisted my foot. Poor Edward who was running late for his neurology appointment had to wrap it up for me. Finally, Nessie shit in her crate and walked all over it. She is covered in poo.

Put a fork in me...I'm done.

"Alright kiddos! Mommy's got to go to work," I said. David barreled down the stairs in his jeans and sweater I put out for him. Lizzie and Marie were coming down in their matching outfits that Lizzie wanted to wear. I helped them put on their coats and shuffled them into my Audi. Once they were buckled, I eased the car out of the garage. I drove to Esme's. She unbuckled the kids and took them into the house, giving me a brief kiss on the cheek. I waved as I pulled out and drove to school.

I glanced at my workbag on the seat next to me. Inside was my resignation letter. I bit my lip and steeled myself for the onslaught that this was going to cause. "Breathe, Bella. This is for your babies. For your husband. For you," I said out loud. I parked my car and grabbed my bag. I went inside to the school. I walked into the office and asked Maryann if Mr. Merritt was available to speak with me. She told me to come down after announcements and he'd be free. I smiled and went to my office. I sent Edward a brief text.

I'm talking to Merritt after announcements. Say a prayer for me that he doesn't kill me – Bella

I support you, beautiful girl. Remember that I love you – Edward

Going to be out of reach for an hour so...MRI. Say a prayer for me, beautiful girl – Edward

Will do. Love you, Dr. McFuckme ;-) – Mrs. McFuckme

Xoxoxo – Edward

I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my coat for bus duty. I limped out to the bus lanes and grumbled about the inane bullshit of this job. Then I remembered that I'm quitting today. Come January, I'll be with my babies all day. I would get to raise my own children.

Once the busses pulled away, I went inside and barked at kids to get to classes. Like usual. The bell rang and kids scuttled to their classrooms. I went down to the office to wait for Mr. Merritt, with my letter in hand. I noticed the police officer from Friday was sitting in there as well. I gave him a tight smile and sat back in the chairs. The announcements went off without a hitch and Mr. Merritt gestured for me to join him in his office. I noticed that the police officer followed.

"Morning, Mrs. Masen," he said amiably.

"Good morning," I said quietly. "You're probably wondering why I wanted to speak with you?"

"I am, but we need to discuss what happened on Friday first," he said. "Officer Jackson has information about the student who vandalized your car."

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