Chapter 26

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Mals P.O.V

Everyone gasped.Her parents stood up. Ben stepped back in shock. We were all taken back by her response. She ran down the aisle and put the doors. Jane, Lonnie, Evie and I ran after her.
"Audrey." We all panted. She stood there and cried.
"I couldn't do it." She finally said.
"But I thought you loved Ben." Lonnie said.
"I do! That's why I count go through with it, not after what's going on." She hugged her self. We all stepped closer.
"What's going on?" I asked. She cried even harder.
"I'm pregnant." She cried. I stepped back. I don't know what to do. I'm in love with someone who is going to e a father.
"But that's great! Right? You and Ben are going to have a baby." Jane nodded. She shook her head.
"It's not Ben's." she sobbed. We all gasped. Like really full on gasps came out of our mouths. Evie and I looked at each other, I didn't know what to say.
"Who's is it then?" Jane asked.
"It's Ch-chads." She sobbed even louder. None of us could believe our ears.
"You cheated on Ben, with his best friend?" Evie asked.
"It just happened I was confused about Me and him and I was convince he was in love with Mal and chad was there and I..." She paused.
"You what?" I asked.
"I would do it again." We all gasped.
"I love him guys."
"Chad?" We asked. She nodded.
"He's always been there. Even hen Ben couldn't be. He always had the time. And he's sweet and generous and he's just... so different. I love him so much." She continued to cry.
"More than Ben?" Lonnie asked. She paused for a couple minutes.
"Maybe. I don't know." She sighed.
"Audrey we love you and we will support you on this. But you have to tell Ben. And chad." Evie said.

Bens P.O.V

I don't believe it. What? I said yes because Mal told me to. I would have been thrilled to say no. Wait that sounds really bad. I'm sure I would have been happy with Evie.. But I did it for her.
Everyone stood there, staring at the door, than back at me, than back at the for probably waiting for her return. I started at Chad, and he stared back in shock.
"I'm sorry for this everyone, please stay and feel free to have some food and drinks." On that note I dash out the there, with my grooms men following behind me. We ran around the first floor of the castle, hoping to find the girls. Finally we can to the room Audrey and her bridesmaids were assigned to get ready in. Without thinking I barged in, she was crying.

Hey guys. I swear ill update a lot this week. The story might be coming to a close. What do u think? How'd u guys like the chapter. LMK in the comments

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