Chapter 4 : Take My Breath Away

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I searched everywhere! Every small corner, all the drawers, even the damn books. I've went through everything a dozen times but not a single trace of those maps.
I drop myself into the big cozy chair and stare at the room. What did I miss?
My eyes scan every object, every shelve and chest. Why am I not letting any of my men help... because they don't know that I'm dragging them along on a mission to find my father.They think I already know the location of our treasure and that it just takes some time, while in reality I don't have anything. I'm losing my loyal men to this worthless ship. Not entirely worthless depending on the few valuable items we could scavenge, but apart from that I got a dozen of dead men, including my first mate, and to make things even worse I have to take care of a god damn Prescott. Not the worst of her kind but still pretty terrible.
I drop my head onto the table, ready to give up the search and head back to my own Captain's quarters to take a well-deserved nap and leave this devil ship behind in the middle of the sea.
But then I remember something.
The Prescott looked like she knew these quarters better than anyone, with a little luck she should know where the maps are.

I parade around the deck, my boots making that ticking sound on the wooden floor boards, where my men are busy lifting supplies to our ship. I search the area for a pink dress and in a matter of seconds my eye catches the stunning brown locks of the Prescott lady. She's staring at the ocean, she seems to be hypnotized by the rythm of the waves and the warmth of the sun.
I notice a few of my men eyeballing her like rabid dogs, when I walk past them I command them to continue their tasks. They grunt and scoff but resume their work as asked.
"Are we leaving?"
The woman asks before I could even speak.
"Not yet. I need your help. I'm looking for the maps with the coordinates of an old legendary Island called The Scorching Dragon, it's rumored to be the sanctuary of Giligan The Mad, an immortal pirate. I thought that since you spend so much time in those quarters you might know where those maps are."
"You beg me for my assistance to pursue a legend, yet you fail to give me a valid reason to cooperate."
Her smirk makes my blood boil. If she is only half a Prescott than I don't even want to remember what that bastard Nathan was like.
I decide to play along, she seems to know exactly what I'm talking about or I might want to start using threats to break that entitled attitude down.
Option two seems more fun.
"You either assist me and as a token of my gratitude I will grant you a spot on my crew or, I could let you sink along with this ship for our dearest Prescott to discover your mutilated body when it washes ashore.
Your choice, Princess."
I spit out with venom.
She's astonished by my harsh words and legitimate threats. Seriously who does she think she is?
I spared her life but she still thinks she stands above me. She mistakes my mercy for weakness, a foolish thing to think of a pirate. The best thing is that she would've shot me if she had any bullets left. I don't even know why I didn't instantly kill her. I guess her appearance shocked me. I didn't expect a beautiful woman who would actually fight for her own life. I was preparing my bullets to fire at Nathan Prescott, a coward who hides behind his armored knights, a snob who never had to fight for his food, a bastard that deserves death.
"Stop calling me Princess, I am not anything alike them."
She takes a step towards me and invades my personal space, I have to restrain myself from backing away. I won't break by her attitude.
I take a step towards her as well, our noses nearly touch. Yet I don't bother being this close to her.
"Oh no? Then why are you still in that despicable dress."
I slap my hand against her sleeve; she pulls her arm away and stares at me with rage.Not a Princess. Ha, she can't even handle me touching her dress. Having her on my crew might be a good idea after all. At least my men will have some entertainment."I'll help you but only if you stop mocking my appearance."
We take our distance again. I look down at her and scoff.
"Of course your majesty, any other demands?"
She simply turns her back to me and raises her head as she parades over the floor board of the deck towards the quarters. I can't help but smile at her angrily stomping away from me. It's almost cute, almost.

When I finally enter the quarters, after getting an update on our current status from one of my men, I see the lady sitting on the desk; with her leg crossing over the other and an obnoxious stare I'm starting to admire.
I say as I enter the room and close the door behind me.
"Did you even look at all?" She asks with repulsion while sliding herself off the desk.
She walks over to one of the many bookcases. She takes a hold of one of the wall lamps and twists it to the right once and to the left twice. One of the book cases shifts forwards, nearly touching the tips of my boots, and slides to the left.
Of course there was a fucking secret handle; I still want one of those.
She stares at me, awaiting for my impressed response. I would never make it look like she actually interests me. That's when they get attached; I don't need this one to get attached.
"What are you waiting for, applause?"
She rolls her eyes.
"A simple 'thank you' would suffice."
She says. I ignore her and slither past her to enter the secret chamber.
I'm awe struck, my jaw drops from disbelief.
The lady pats my shoulder and walks towards the middle of the room to retrieve a book.
"Impressed now?"
She smirks and opens the book with a graceful turn.
I'm starting to like her.

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