Chapter 9

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Louis' P.O.V

I walked out of my house to see Zayn on the curb, leaning on his car. "How the hell did you get my address?" I screeched. This boy frightened me throughly. He just shrugged and got in his car. I rolled my eyes and got into the passengers side. "Why are you picking me up when I have a car right there?" I pointed to my car.

"Thought I'd give my boyfriend a ride to school." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and pressed my head against the cold glass of the window. We arrived and I noticed my friends in there usual spot, talking about God knows what. Zayn grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. I wanted to gag just looking at our hands. They didn't fit the way Harry's and mine did. His hands were smaller than Harry's, it didn't feel right.

"Hey lads." I faked a smile.

"Hey." Niall and Liam greeted in unison.

"Alright babe, I got to go but I'll catch you later." Zayn let go of my hand and smacked his slimy lips onto my cheek.

"So, how long has this been going on." Niall crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows, the fuck is he talking about.

"Oh come on. With the way you two act there's no way you just got together recently." Liam rolled his eyes.

"It started at the party." I mumbled.

"Oh my god! Did you get drunk and have sex with him?" Niall gasped.

"Yeah, something like that." I grumbled. "Look I really don't want to talk about this can we just head to class? It's starts in two minutes." The boys nodded and we headed to English sitting down. The bell rang and the class flooded with students.

Harry walked in a bit later than us and his eyes were bloodshot and glassy. He mumbled a 'sorry' and went on with his lesson. "Alright class so today the topic is cheating." Harry started. Fuck. "What are some books about cheating?"

He called on many people getting many different books that involved cheating. "So as you can see there are many books about cheating why do think that is? Liam?"

"Because it's something people can relate to. Most likely at a point of someone's life they will be cheated on." Liam explained.

"Yes. Now does anyone think it's ever okay to cheat?" He continued. Silence. "Alright I want you guys to write two paragraphs. One about why it isn't okay to cheat and another about when it could possibly be okay to cheat. Hand them in when your done." He sat down at his desk and began to grade papers. I finished my paragraphs in no time and read over them, looking for any errors.

Cheating isn't okay because when you get into a relationship you're supposed to be loyal. You should only be thinking about that one person and not really thinking about yourself. If you are putting yourself before the other person, then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place. Cheating never ends well for anyone.

But there are times when cheating happens and it isn't  for your own personal reasons. Maybe you were drunk. Maybe you don't mean for it to happen. Or maybe even you have no choice. You could be forced into cheating without having a choice if you want to or not. But people don't believe people sometimes, or they refuse to listen. Cheating is wrong, yes, but people should give others a chance to explain themselves.

I put down my pencil and marched up to his desk, slamming it down. Before walking back to mine. I slouched in my seat as he read it over, his jaw clenched and he kept giving me a death glare. The bell rang and I ran out, without a second thought.


I sat on the lunch table, pretending to be happy holding my boyfriend's hand. I turned to see Harry staring us down and if looks could kill, I'd be dead. "Kiss me." Zayn whispered.

"What?" I shrieked.

"Right now, or else." He threatened. I glanced up to see Harry's gaze still glued to us. I reluctantly leaned down and captured Zayn's horrible lips in a kiss. I pulled back to see Harry had left. The thought that I was breaking his heart, made mine break twice as much. I was pouring salt into a fresh wound that I gave to him. I was twisting the knife. I was hitting his heart with a hammer. I was tearing him apart.


A/n: so I updated this today for the sake of the larryversary, so I'm just going to listen to all the Larry songs on repeat all day. Hope you enjoyed the two chapters I updated. Xoxo

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