Chapter 10

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Third person P.O.V

Two months.

That's how long Louis had to date Zayn. Graduation just ended and when he was handed that diploma, it was if someone just handed him his freedom. Louis cleaned out his locker and was putting it all in the trunk of his car. He turned to look at this school he spent four years of his life in. It sounds ridiculous, but he was actually going to miss this hell hole.

He glanced at the door and saw Harry head out of the door. He wanted to make things right Harry wasn't his teacher anymore, they could openly be together. "Harry!" Louis shouted, Harry began to walk faster but Louis sprinted to him. "It's all over, your not my teacher. I'm not dating Zayn we can be together."

He began to laugh darkly. "You thought that would fix everything? You thought just because I'm not your teacher and you didn't have a boyfriend, it would just magically fix everything? You hurt me Louis. A lot. I don't think I could ever forgive you, so just go." Harry shook his head.

"But Harry–"

"Just go Louis." Harry shut his eyes and turned around. Louis headed to his car tears, pouring down his cheeks. He glanced into the rear view mirror to see Harry still turned around. He sighed heavily and drove away.

"I love you Louis." Harry whispered before falling to his knees sobbing into the ground.


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