Chp 2 :His property

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[ warning!! A bit bloody ]
Jack's POV:

I looked at dark confused because of his answer .
"What do you mean somewhere special?" I asked hoping not to sound scared .
"My place ." He said ,smiling innocently. I looked at him , and he inched closer .
"DONT COME NEAR ME !" I said raising my voice , but im pretty sure that his temper was higher. He looked pretty mad at demanding him not to come closer , so he growled and stood in front of me .
" do you realize how helpless you are ?cuffed , tied to a bed ?" He yelled at me . I looked down to realize that i am pretty helpless .My gut sensed that something's gonna happen to me , and it's not good . He came closer , pulled out a pocket knife and switched it . The blade was 7 inches i guess , and it was stained with blood .

"Just tell me what do you want from me , dark "I said completely annoyed yet scared .
"From now on call me master ." He told me with an evil smirk across his face .
"Master ? You aren't my master ! Just let me out ya big doof !" I said taunting him . And oh huh i got my self so deep in the boiling waters . I immediately regretted saying that to him , remembering that he had a knife in his fricken hand . He flared his nostrils and sat on the bed beside me . He rested the knife on my leg that was protected by my skinny jeans , and ripped the jeans from the thighs down . Now it looks like my flamingo shorts . He scanned my legs as if he wanted to cut the best part out of it . He shock his head and went up to my shirt which was violently ripped and teared completely. He scanned my chest and my tummy , then he ....... Licked his lips ..? He rested the knife on the top of my tummy, and pushed the blade slowly in . I screamed at the feeling of my flesh parting . He just giggled. I threw my head backwards and stared at the sealing while screaming my lungs out .
"We aren't done yet honey" he said bringing the blade down in a curve . I , ofc screamed more till i fell unconscious of the pain .

I woke up feeling the sting on a large area on my tummy . I looked down to see something horrifying. He tattooed "darks property" in small letters in the middle of a big heart he made . I felt tears streaming down my face knowing that would scar forever. I was now so scared of this demon and im glad that the wound wasn't deep enough to kill me , plus that I fainted at the beginning to not feel the pain.

A/n : sooo i want to do a shoutout thing , so each 5 votes i get on a chapter, im gonna shout out them next :D and you can tell me if tou want me to stop it . Also , you can always message me if you have an idea i can add to the story , and im gonna see if it's good or not . It it is , im gonna give credits :3

Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on dark attraction to jack ?

Thoughts on the "tattoo?"

Have a nice day :D

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