Running away

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It's 8:45 pm and your in a t-shirt and some jean shorts (summer break started 3 days ago)

Its the twenty-first century, the setting is sorta like the show (well the houses are)

Sorry for the confusion!(:

It was like any other beautiful summer day. Birds chirping, trees rustling in the wind, sun shining down into my room. And my mother screaming for me.

"______ GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!!" I heard coming from the kitchen.

I shot out of my bed and ran down stairs into the kitchen, I noticed that everything was strung about. It looked like a tornado struck through the house.

"______ WHERE'S MY CIGARETTE'S!?!?!?"

"I don't know mom the last place I saw them were on your dresser by your bed." I said slyly. She always gets like this after she's been drinking. I never liked it and she was never like this. But that day happened and she changed forever.


My mom and dad met in high school and fell in love instantly. They couldn't be torn apart. They got married a week after they graduated and a year later they had me. My father worked for the Phantomhive Company and became good friends with the owner.

I became friends with Ciel Phantomhive. We became really good friends and did everything together. Then my dad got really sick and passed away. My mother was devastated and started drinking. When she drinks she gets really angry, she tends to take it out on me, with her fists.

After my fathers death I spent more time with Ciel at his mansion. We did everything together. In those times I was truly happy. Then two years later his mansion burned down and his parents died in the flames, ciel went missing for sometime but when he came back he was very distant. Something happed while he was gone. He wore an eyepatch over his left eye all the time.

Also a mysterious man named Sebastian started to take care of him. I never really paid much attention, after awhile me and Ciel rarely talked.


"You little bitch I already looked and theyre not there!!" Then suddenly she slapped me across the face and kicked my shin which made me fall to the ground in pain. I screamed in pain but she didn't seem to care.

" GO LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE YOU BITCH!!!" She kicked me one more time hard in the stomach.

I got up staggering to my bedroom. As soon as I reached my room I put on my jacket and shoes, got my phone and the charger and left my house. Never to return.

I walked like what had seemed forever until I stumbled upon a familiar mansion. I knocked on the door and sebastian opened it.

"Lady ______, what are you doing here?" He had a questioned look on his face. I didn't have time to answer. I collapsed onto the floor and blacked out.


HOW WAS IT? It was my first story I hope you guys liked it I will update if I get atleast 4 votes :)

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