The dream

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I sat down next to Ciel at the dining table. I noticed both Ciel and sebastian were looking at me. Sebastian broke the silence by talking.

"Lady _____ that dress looks beautiful on you" he said with a smile. I noticed Ciels face when sebastian said that. He had a look of jealousy and it was cute.

"Thank you sebastian!" I said with a smile. I could feel that I was blushing, which made Ciel even more jealous.


What the hell does sebastian think he's doing? Complimenting ____ like that. He better not try anything on her. I saw her glance at me during dinner. Each time she glanced at me I could feel the pain in her beautiful ( E / C ) eyes. Even though she hid her pain with her beautiful smile you can tell that deep inside she was hurting and she needed someone to be there for her.

After dinner was done we all went to get ready to go to sleep. I went into my study and started to think about _____. How someone could want to hurt her so badly? It just doesn't make any sense. I will do anything to protect her, no matter what I will be here for her.

While I was thinking I didn't notice that Sebastian had walked in with some tea.

"Master I brought you some tea" Sebastian said as he sat the tea cup down on my desk. I picked up the tea and took a sip. I looked at Sebastian something was on his mind. He must have known because he started speaking.

"Milord what seems to be troubling you?" He asked.

"Do you have feelings for ____?" He started to blush just barely then he chuckled.

"Milord I am a demon therefore I do not have feeing's" he smiled and looked at me "besides you like her don't you milord?" Then he smiled and walked out of my study.

I do have feelings for her. But I don't think she has feelings for me. What if she does? What if she doesn't? What if she runs away? What if Alios takes her? So many questions are running through my mind. I didn't notice I fell asleep.


After dinner I walked into my room and changed into my night gown. I took my hair out of my pony tail and started brushing it.

"May I brush your hair?" It was sebastian. I jumped when he spoke.

"GODDAMITT SEBASTIAN DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled. He only laughed, I handed him the brush and he started brushing my hair.

"Your hair is beautiful milady" he said. I smiled then blushed. I was sleepy when he was brushing my hair. I leaned back into his arms and fell asleep. He caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed. He kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight _____" he whispered then he left my room.


I was laying in my bed with my arms and legs tied down. My body was sore and I was bleeding. Then I heard someone walk in, it was my mother.

"After all the years I took care of you, you repay me by bieng a bitch to me!" Then she got beside me and punched my stomach as hard as she could. I tried to let out a scream but my mouth was taped shut.

Then she slapped me across the face a couple of times. I let out a small whimper but that wasn't enough. I tried to stop her but I was tied down. Helpless, defenseless. No one could save me. She walked out of my room and went downstairs. I heard her going through a drawer. But then I relized, she was going through the knife drawer.

She came back 5 minutes later with a chefs knife. I tried to get away but I couldn't. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I was there to die, by my own mother.

"I hope you go to hell!!" And the knife came down towards me.


I woke up screaming and crying. Then ciel burst through my door and I ran towards him. I jumped into his arms and started to cry.

"______ what's wrong? Are you all right?" He asked while he hugged me and rubbed my back.

"Ciel I don't want to go back!!!! Please don't make me go back!!" I burried my face into his chest and cried even harder.

"I won't let you go........I promise... Your safe with me...... Your safe in my arms... I will never let you go..."

I pulled away from the hug and blushed. He started wipeing away the tears. I stared into his eye (since there's an eyepatch over the other one :3) it was a beautiful blue. I could stare into his eyes forever. Then he started to caresse my cheek which made me blush a little harder.


We stood there for a while. My arm still around her waist and my hand caressing her cheek, which is making her blush. Tehe. I picked her up bridal style and layed her in her bed. I put her underneath the covers and kissed her forehead. As soon as I walked towards the door she said something but I couldn't quite hear it.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked while I turned around.

"I was wondering if....... You know........ maybe you could stay in here tonight? In case I have another nightmare?" Her face was red, she was blushing really hard.

"Yes I will" I walked over to the bed and got underneath the covers.

She got close to me and rested her head in the crook of my neck. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Them she took my hand and intertwined it with hers.

"Thank you for letting me stay" she whispered.

"Your welcome" I kissed her forehead and we both fell asleep.

I Love You (ciel x reader x sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now