Chapter Twenty-Seven (Encompass)

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  • Dedicated to The boy who let me used him as one of the character

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Encompass

                   "Open up Dean, please, God," I knocked on the front door frequently, as hard as I could. Yet, Dean refused to answer. "Please, I can explain," shit, I sounded like a trashy jerk that always thought explaination could save everything at the end of the day. I pounded on the door more harshly, "please," as I slid down and dropped on my knees. I pressed my forehead onto the hard wooden surface, blaming myself why would I still perplex about whether I could have a chance with Cedric when Dean was the one who stood by me.

                     After making sure Luce was out of my life, I went straight to here without changing my wet clothes. I could catch a cold, but I didn't care because if I didn't come now. I afraid I would forever lose him, that I would once again, fell into the dark pit.

                     "Shit, Aaron?"

                     I looked up when the lost of roughness on my forehead, meeting a sleepy head scratching his hair.

                     "Hell? You're sleeping all this time?" I yelled, straightened up. I couldn't believe for the last half an hour I was shouting how I was so sorry and begging on my knees, he was just sleeping? Sleeping?! His neighbor was about to throw his pot of plant at me, and he was sleeping like a log?

                       I shouldn't have come, to think that he was pissed off about my past. But no. I shot a death glare at him and walked away from his porch. He was freaking sleeping in his bedroom!

                       "Hey!" I complained when Dean yanked my wrist back, wrapping his muscular arms around me. Instantly, my body turned Jell-O along my heart melted when his body odor went through my nosetril. I couldn't believe I missed it so much, even though we just been together a while ago.

                        "Dean, I'm wet..." I felt my shirt was stuck against my body. As much as I wanted Dean to never leave away my side, I still needed to at least shower.

                        "I don't care, because I am going to make you even wet," I could feel a smirk was going up his face. I blushed, bumping my butt against his front. Which was a bad idea when I felt his boner poking me from my backside. He took a sharp breath, "you made a big mistake Aaron."

                         I streaked when Dean put me onto his shoulders again, like I was weightless. He closed the door once we're in, quickly made a beeline to his bedroom. I thought he was going to throw me onto the bed and let the butt soring part began. But instead doing that, he put me down when we're in his bathroom.

                         I slid down and landed on my feet, pouting when he went out. I examined the bathroom, it was covered in blue tiles on the ground while the walls were all eggshell. The bathtub was massively big, it could fit in two person at least. The shower too, which I started to have a bad idea about this. Dean came back with a towel, putting it onto the counter. I spread my arms wide when he came forward, waiting for his heat. But he just stopped right in front of me, an amusing look on his face.

                         "Strip for me Aaron," Dean whispered into my ear, biting the earlobe. I moaned, melting into him but he walked backward with a finger wiggled in front of me, "strip first, then you can have me."

                           I groaned as I slowly took off my shirt, showing my flat tummy and chest. I was about to remove my belt when Dean had already attacked my nipples in his mouth.

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