Copy Right, One Year Later

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Copy Right © All Rights Reserved To trillbamx

This is a continuation from "Diamond In the Rough" Do you have to read if before this one? No, but it would help. lol 


O N E  Y E A R  L A T E R 

I can't believe it has been a year already. My dad, has been trying to be in Leah and I's life, but we're taking it step by step. Very slow steps. He send money every month and even took the insurnace under his name on our cars. Which surprise my mom and Leah's aunt. Ma and he has been faithful in our lives eversince the graudation party.

"Baby, I will talk to you when I get from class?" Tyler said on the phone as I laid in bed. I looked at the open physiology book and sighed, I feel as Tyler's and I's relationship is weakening. I haven't seen him since this summer and it is November. 

"Alright Ty"

"I love you baby, you know we'll see each other for thanksgiving... don't sweat it" He said reassuring once more. He always does this. 

"I love you too, Ty and don't do anything I won't do" I replied. Females are beyond thirsty these days. I am lucky he tells me though. 

As the phone ended I pulled the covers up to my neck and laid on my side. I thought about all the things Ty and I been through ever since we went our separate ways. Us making it through and I plan we will always. 

I groaned as my phone began to ring, I looked at it and it was Lean. I rolled my eyes "Whats up" I answered. 

"Get down to the lobby now!" She said. We did end up going to the same college. Langston went to some college in Florida and it broke her heart. We're both in the same boat since, Ty is all the way in Alabama and I am in Virginia. 

I slipped on my cheetah slippers and made my way out my room to the lobby of my dormitory. I took the elevatory down. I looked and saw Leah infront the big TV we have. 

"What is wrong?" I replied as I covered my arms. It was cold as hell down here.

She took the remote and rewinded the TV "Thats my baby!" She said pointing to the TV. I rolled my eyes "Ugh, we have a TV in our room" I replied pulling her arm. She still had her head turnt to the TV as I had her on my gripped. 

I looked towards my proffesor as she spoke and I wrote the notes down. Lecture hall is a pure bitch. This morning I did not want to wake up at all. 

"Diamond, can I see the notes about Mitosis?" James asked me. James sat beside me during lecture hall. He was a nice guy, I don't really know much about him.

"Uh yeah sure" I said as I flipped the pages through my notebook and handed it to him. He smiled and began to copy them. 

I looked down at my phone and unlocked it to see Tyler's good morning message. Which read "Good morning, beautiful. I love you so much, enjoy your day and keep your head up.. only one more week" I smiled as I began to text back.

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