Heart 20

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I decided on doing some of Leah/Langston's point on view. Let me know if you want more or nah lol and in this chapter I do skip the time a little faster so it'snothing to be confused about or comment about.. you have been warned so please don;t comment about it (: thank you, happy reading.

Leah ,

I have been busy moving in on campus to even be with Diamond. I was in Richmond for her baby shower, but I had to come back to campus for another year. Diamond and I are so use to being together, any and everywhere that it'll be different.

Langston traffered to UNCG in North Carolina, so I'm thankful that he is way closer. Lately, well the past couple of years Langston has been playing basketball instead of football. Honestly, I wasn't surprised he loves basketball more.

Today, I was just getting my single room all neat and tidy. I am the only one in this room and what's even better is that it even has a bathroom. I couldn't take just some random girl living with me. Well I could, but I just rather be by myself, or with Diamond.

As I shut my room door, I went into the bathroom. Taking, a clorox wipe from the container I began wiping the sink down. My phone began to ring, I placed the wipe down than began to dig in my pocket to get it.


"Leah Diamond is in Labor!" My Aunt screamed.

"Damn--- I mean really?! I'm on my way"


"I just want himmmmmm outtt" I screamed.

It's two in the afternoon. I have been having contraction ever since twelve noon when my water broke and little did I know I was in labor. It's two days before my due date, so that's fine... I guess.

"Was Ty able to get a flight?" My mother asked Ty's mom.

"Ugh, yeah.. but it's in the next hour and a half"

When I heared that I remained quiet and just did my breathing excerising. I was two centimers dialated. I couldn't do this birth natural, I'm bad at taking pain. My doctor told me all the bad things that could happen because of epidral but I do not give a fuck. This shit is painful.

"Give me the drugssss.. please" I cried.

"Here the doctor is" My mother said relieved.

"Diamond honey, I am going to need you to breath in and out slowly..." She said as she rubbed my back.

I nodded my head as I began to obey. "It isn't working" I cried after doing it for a couple seconds.

"Please.. please.. try to remain as calm as possible."

I nodded my head and covered my face up with my hands. These contractions aren't any joke and they are pretty close together. I began to lay on my back and hold the bed rails that were on the side. It feels like bad ass cramps and trying not to cry is hard.

It was now five and I was finally getting the epideral, and Leah was here taking up space. I missed my bitch thought.

"Where's Ty?" I said as I ate the apple sauce.

"I'm not sure D he may be here.. honestly" She said and instantly I was happy.

Even though the pain ceased I could feel hell of a lot of pressure.

"Leah you miss me?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah it's not the same"

Something about Leah seemed off, a little bit. I think something is wrong with her. Eventually she'll tell me. I don't like to see her down. Leah is a very playfull, goofy and talkative so it's weird for her not to be any of those.

"Two more centimeters to go" The nurse smiled as she began to take her gloves off. Ty was coming through the door as the Nurse left with her mother followed behind him.

I saw a flash and instantly got mad, I look like shit right now and Ty's mom want to take pictures. Ty came by my side and kissed my forehead. "You good?"

"What it look like?" I said with a smirked. "It's almost time though..." I added.


Tyler Lamar Wright Jr.

Born August 27th, 9:31 pm.

7lbs 6 oz

Tj came out with a full head

This was real, I was a mom. Everything is for real now. As they stitched me up, they took my baby boy to of course clean him and get his handprints and footprints taken. We decided on getting them framed and hang them on his wall in his room.

"Diamond he is beautiful" Ma cooed and I was anxious because I haven't even seen him yet. Once the nurse placed him in my arms and immediately I was in awe.

"Awh, y'all Diamond is crying" Leah spoke.

I wiped the falling tear then smiled. "I love him so much already"

"I swear, Im giving him the world. My lil mini me" Tyler cooed.

"Lorddddddddd, we don't need another you" His mother said and everyone laughed.

Soon everyone left and it was only Tyler, Leah and of course myself. Langston would be here in the morning and Leah didn't seem to happy.

"Leah, boo, if you want to leave you can... you seem kind of tired"

She got up out of the chair, stretching "Langston and I will come here first things in the morning. Have a wonerful night new parents. Bye bye Tj" She smiled then exited the room. Once she closed the door I looked at Ty.

"Something's wrong with her" I said.

"I know I could tell" Ty was currently feeding Tj because I wanted to rest.

We will have to stay in the hospital for one more day or until Tj gains exactly one pound and they also want to show me how to breast feed and other mommy things.

"Ty what's on your mind?" I asked. Tyler was was too quiet.

"Nothing" He said, lying.

"Stop lying... tell me what's up"

He sighed "I don't want to leave y'all"

Tj began to cry and immediately I put my hands out. "Give me him."

"D, I can shut him up. You stay over there" Ty said with a smirk.

I giggled "Alright, daddy. I'm about to go to sleep"

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my phone from the stand beside me. I had many missed calls even one from my daddy who was a no show, but I didn't expect him to come anyways. He'll come around.

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