Heart 19

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We were in the middle of my baby shower and I was beginning to have pains. I quietly excused myself from the occasion as everyone mingled and ate. I went upstairs and then to my room. Slamming the door I laid on my back, rubbing my tummy trying to soothe myself but it's not working.

I have came to the conclusion that the baby will be a Junior, I'll give Ty that. I'm pretty sure people will start to wonder where I am. If TJ can just stay in one more month we'd be good. Please don't come, please!

I still don't have a hospital bag ready. Should have done that.

"Diamond!" Ty said as he busted through my door.

"Is everything alright?" Ty rushed to my side. "He's coming?!"

"Awhh shit!" He practically yelled then began getting pampers and bottles.

"Came the hell down Ty!" I yelled and he was breathing heavy.

"Are you scared?" I asked, calmly.

He nodded and I laughed. "Can you go tell my mother I need to go to the hospitaaaaaaaallll!" I another pain hit, I'm automatically assuming an contraction. "Hurry da hell uppp!"

I got up off my bed and began to go downstairs with my purse.

"There's the mommy!" One of my mother's sisters say.

I put my hand up "I'll be back" I have slight smile.

"Diamond baby are you okay?" My mother asked.

"There's just this pain and I think their contractions but my water didn't break, so I don't know and I'm honestly about to cry."

"Ty was freaking out... I told him he needs to relax.."

"Exactly, would have thought he was the one giving birth" I sighed.


"Braxton Hicks Contractions" My doctor said to me.

"What? I have heard of those.." I replied.

"Yeah their basically fake contractions...." She said. "They should even last that long.." She added.

I sighed then look to Ty who was out of it. "Baby you okay?" I asked him. He lifted his head up "I'n straight, I thought lil man was coming"

"Thank God he didn't..."

"We'll get prepared he's on the way, closer than you think"

"I told your mother to just put all the gifts in your room"

My mother left because she wanted to tell everyone at the baby shower what was going on which I didn't mind because Ty was here.

As we both chilled until the doctor came back, sounds of Tj's heartbeat rung throughout the room.

"For your treatment you first take a warm bath, take some tea and then eat something...."

"Can I still go to my chiropractic?"

"Of course" She smiled.


Once we were back home my room was filled with gifts and instantly I began opening them.

"Ty loook!" I smiled as I showed him the big gift bags of clothes.

"Damn whose that from?" He said.

"Kayla and Tiana" I laughed we had some good little sisters, well aunties.

As I looked through the clothes Ty began to lay on my bed. He grabbed the remote cutting the TV on to ESPN, of course.

"You know I am leaving tomorrow night... right?" He said.

"Uhm, Ty don't remind me." I spoke. 

"Baby don't be sad. Because... shit!"

"Exactly.." I said. Ty keeps on forgetting that my due date and his game are exactly the same day and to be honest it's either one or the other. It's impossible to make it to both, it'll be a miracle. 

"D, don't be like that.. you no I have no control over that" 

"You right Ty, I understand.. but you control you" I said then began walking out of my room. It seems like there is about to be so many problems thrown our way and I am trying my best to not let it get to me.

Once I reached downstairs, I saw my mom, Leah and Ty's mom talking.

"Baby what's wrong with you?" Ma asked. 

"Yeah..." Leah added.

"Nothing I'm fine" I gave a light smile then walked out onto the back porch. I sat down at one of the tables then just began to think. 

Knowing that Ty may not be here for everything worries me. I want us all together as a family, but I'm afraid that might not happen. Ty can hardly be here now and shit is only going to get tough. I would like an education and to raise my baby. Trying to do the both of those would be hard as hell. 

N E X T  D A Y

After visiting the chiropractic, Ty wanted to devote the whole day to only him and I. Which hasn't happened in a long time. We decided on driving out to Virginia Beach, spending a couple of hours there. Since the weather was changing many people wouldn't be out but it still felt nice. As we walked along the beach, the water fell then rose splashing against our feet. It was quite relaxing and necessary, especially before this baby come.

Diamon in MM, A little filler...

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